Table of Contents


This is a .NET library that can be used to upload a compiled sketch (.HEX) directly to an Arduino board over USB. It talks to the boards bootloader over the serial (USB) connection, much like avrdude does (when invoked from the Arduino IDE, or from the command line).

This is a fork of the ArduinoSketchUploader project created by Christophe Diericx. It has been altered to use .NET Standard as well as adding support for the new Arduino Nano bootloader.

This project is located at


The library has been tested with the following configurations:

Arduino Model MCU Bootloader protocol
Leonardo ATMega32U4 AVR109
Mega 1284 ATMega1284 STK500v1
Mega 2560 ATMega2560 STK500v2
Micro ATMega32U4 AVR109
Nano (R2) ATMega168 STK500v1
Nano (R3) ATMega328P STK500v1
Uno (R3) ATMega328P STK500v1

If you have a need for this library to run on another Arduino model, feel free to open an issue on GitHub, it should be relatively straightforward to add support (for most).

Support for Mega 1284 was added by, thanks!

How to Use

NuGet version

Link the following nuget package in your project in order to use the ArduinoUploaderCore:

Alternatively, install the package using the nuget package manager console:

Install-Package ArduinoUploaderCore

The following minimal snippet shows how to upload a .HEX file to an Arduino (UNO) board attached at COM port 3:

var uploader = new ArduinoSketchUploader(
    new ArduinoSketchUploaderOptions()
        FileName = @"C:\MyHexFiles\UnoHexFile.ino.hex",
        PortName = "COM3",
        ArduinoModel = ArduinoModel.UnoR3


As discussed above, one can try to auto-detect the COM port by omitting it.

For more information, consult the API Documentation.


In earlier versions of the library, it emitted log messages through a dependency on NLog. From an architectural point of view, it is suboptimal to be forcing a dependency on a particular logging framework from library code.

A simple IArduinoUploaderLogger interface is exposed from within the library. Implement this interface, and pass an instance into the ArduinoSketchUploader constructor if you want to consume log messages (in varying levels, from Info to Trace).

Implementing the interface using NLog consists of nothing more than this:

private class NLogArduinoUploaderLogger : IArduinoUploaderLogger
    private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetLogger("ArduinoSketchUploader");

    public void Error(string message, Exception exception)
        Logger.Error(exception, message);

    public void Warn(string message)

    public void Info(string message)

    public void Debug(string message)

    public void Trace(string message)