Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble

Values recommended by the system. More...

Collaboration diagram for Preferences:


typedef enum PreferredContentSize PreferredContentSize


enum  PreferredContentSize {
  PreferredContentSizeSmall, PreferredContentSizeMedium, PreferredContentSizeLarge, PreferredContentSizeExtraLarge,


uint32_t preferred_result_display_duration (void)
PreferredContentSize preferred_content_size (void)
bool quiet_time_is_active (void)

Detailed Description

Values recommended by the system.

Typedef Documentation

◆ PreferredContentSize

PreferredContentSize represents the display scale of all the app's UI components. The enum contains all sizes that all platforms as a whole are capable of displaying, but each individual platform may not be able to display all sizes.

As of version 4.1, platforms other than Emery cannot display extra large and Emery itself cannot display small.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ PreferredContentSize

PreferredContentSize represents the display scale of all the app's UI components. The enum contains all sizes that all platforms as a whole are capable of displaying, but each individual platform may not be able to display all sizes.

As of version 4.1, platforms other than Emery cannot display extra large and Emery itself cannot display small.

Function Documentation

◆ preferred_content_size()

PreferredContentSize preferred_content_size ( void  )

Returns the user's preferred content size representing the scale of all the app's UI components should use for display.

The user's PreferredContentSize setting.

◆ preferred_result_display_duration()

uint32_t preferred_result_display_duration ( void  )

Get the recommended amount of milliseconds a result window should be visible before it should automatically close.

It is the application developer's responsibility to automatically close a result window.
The recommended result window timeout duration in milliseconds

◆ quiet_time_is_active()

bool quiet_time_is_active ( void  )

Users can toggle Quiet Time manually or on schedule. Watchfaces and apps should respect this choice and avoid disturbing actions such as vibration if quiet time is active.

True, if Quiet Time is currently active.