Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble

Abstract framework to create arbitrary animations. More...

Collaboration diagram for Animation:


 A ProperyAnimation animates the value of a "property" of a "subject" over time.


struct  AnimationHandlers
struct  AnimationImplementation


 The normalized distance at the start of the animation.
 The normalized distance at the end of the animation.


typedef struct Animation Animation
typedef int32_t AnimationProgress
typedef AnimationProgress(* AnimationCurveFunction) (AnimationProgress linear_distance)
typedef void(* AnimationStartedHandler) (Animation *animation, void *context)
typedef void(* AnimationStoppedHandler) (Animation *animation, bool finished, void *context)
typedef struct AnimationHandlers AnimationHandlers
typedef void(* AnimationSetupImplementation) (Animation *animation)
typedef void(* AnimationUpdateImplementation) (Animation *animation, const AnimationProgress progress)
typedef void(* AnimationTeardownImplementation) (Animation *animation)
typedef struct AnimationImplementation AnimationImplementation


enum  AnimationCurve {
  AnimationCurveLinear = 0, AnimationCurveEaseIn = 1, AnimationCurveEaseOut = 2, AnimationCurveEaseInOut = 3,
  AnimationCurveDefault = AnimationCurveEaseInOut, AnimationCurveCustomFunction = 4, AnimationCurveCustomInterpolationFunction = 5, AnimationCurve_Reserved1 = 6,
  AnimationCurve_Reserved2 = 7


Animation * animation_create (void)
bool animation_destroy (Animation *animation)
Animation * animation_clone (Animation *from)
Animation * animation_sequence_create (Animation *animation_a, Animation *animation_b, Animation *animation_c,...)
Animation * animation_sequence_create_from_array (Animation **animation_array, uint32_t array_len)
Animation * animation_spawn_create (Animation *animation_a, Animation *animation_b, Animation *animation_c,...)
Animation * animation_spawn_create_from_array (Animation **animation_array, uint32_t array_len)
bool animation_set_elapsed (Animation *animation, uint32_t elapsed_ms)
bool animation_get_elapsed (Animation *animation, int32_t *elapsed_ms)
bool animation_set_reverse (Animation *animation, bool reverse)
bool animation_get_reverse (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_play_count (Animation *animation, uint32_t play_count)
uint32_t animation_get_play_count (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_duration (Animation *animation, uint32_t duration_ms)
uint32_t animation_get_duration (Animation *animation, bool include_delay, bool include_play_count)
bool animation_set_delay (Animation *animation, uint32_t delay_ms)
uint32_t animation_get_delay (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_curve (Animation *animation, AnimationCurve curve)
AnimationCurve animation_get_curve (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_custom_curve (Animation *animation, AnimationCurveFunction curve_function)
AnimationCurveFunction animation_get_custom_curve (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_handlers (Animation *animation, AnimationHandlers callbacks, void *context)
void * animation_get_context (Animation *animation)
bool animation_schedule (Animation *animation)
bool animation_unschedule (Animation *animation)
void animation_unschedule_all (void)
bool animation_is_scheduled (Animation *animation)
bool animation_set_implementation (Animation *animation, const AnimationImplementation *implementation)
const AnimationImplementationanimation_get_implementation (Animation *animation)

Detailed Description

Abstract framework to create arbitrary animations.

The Animation framework provides your Pebble app with an base layer to create arbitrary animations. The simplest way to work with animations is to use the layer frame PropertyAnimation, which enables you to move a Layer around on the screen. Using animation_set_implementation(), you can implement a custom animation.

Refer to the (chapter "Animation") for a conceptual overview of the animation framework and on how to write custom animations.

Macro Definition Documentation



Constant to indicate "infinite" duration. This can be used with animation_set_duration() to indicate that the animation should run indefinitely. This is useful when implementing for example a frame-by-frame simulation that does not have a clear ending (e.g. a game).

Note that distance_normalized parameter that is passed into the .update implementation is meaningless in when an infinite duration is used.
This can be returned by animation_get_duration (if the play count is infinite)



Constant to indicate infinite play count. Can be passed to animation_set_play_count() to repeat indefinitely.

This can be returned by animation_get_play_count().

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnimationCurveFunction

typedef AnimationProgress(* AnimationCurveFunction) (AnimationProgress linear_distance)

The function pointer type of a custom animation curve.

linear_distanceThe linear normalized animation distance to be curved.
See also

◆ AnimationHandlers

The handlers that will get called when an animation starts and stops. See documentation with the function pointer types for more information.

See also

◆ AnimationImplementation

The 3 callbacks that implement a custom animation. Only the .update callback is mandatory, .setup and .teardown are optional. See the documentation with the function pointer typedefs for more information.

The .setup callback is called immediately after scheduling the animation, regardless if there is a delay set for that animation using animation_set_delay().

The diagram below illustrates the order in which callbacks can be expected to get called over the life cycle of an animation. It also illustrates where the implementation of different animation callbacks are intended to be “living”.

See also

◆ AnimationProgress

typedef int32_t AnimationProgress

The type used to represent how far an animation has progressed. This is passed to the animation's update handler

◆ AnimationSetupImplementation

typedef void(* AnimationSetupImplementation) (Animation *animation)

Pointer to function that (optionally) prepares the animation for running. This callback is called when the animation is added to the scheduler.

animationThe animation that needs to be set up.
See also

◆ AnimationStartedHandler

typedef void(* AnimationStartedHandler) (Animation *animation, void *context)

The function pointer type of the handler that will be called when an animation is started, just before updating the first frame of the animation.

animationThe animation that was started.
contextThe pointer to custom, application specific data, as set using animation_set_handlers()
This is called after any optional delay as set by animation_set_delay() has expired.
See also

◆ AnimationStoppedHandler

typedef void(* AnimationStoppedHandler) (Animation *animation, bool finished, void *context)

The function pointer type of the handler that will be called when the animation is stopped.

animationThe animation that was stopped.
finishedTrue if the animation was stopped because it was finished normally, or False if the animation was stopped prematurely, because it was unscheduled before finishing.
contextThe pointer to custom, application specific data, as set using animation_set_handlers()
See also
This animation (i.e.: the animation parameter) may be destroyed here. It is not recommended to unschedule or destroy a different Animation within this Animation's stopped handler.

◆ AnimationTeardownImplementation

typedef void(* AnimationTeardownImplementation) (Animation *animation)

Pointer to function that (optionally) cleans up the animation. This callback is called when the animation is removed from the scheduler. In case the .setup implementation allocated any memory, this is a good place to release that memory again.

animationThe animation that needs to be teared down.
See also

◆ AnimationUpdateImplementation

typedef void(* AnimationUpdateImplementation) (Animation *animation, const AnimationProgress progress)

Pointer to function that updates the animation according to the given normalized progress. This callback will be called repeatedly by the animation scheduler whenever the animation needs to be updated.

animationThe animation that needs to update; gets passed in by the animation framework.
progressThe current normalized progress; gets passed in by the animation framework for each animation frame. The value ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MIN represents the start and ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX represents the end. Values outside this range (generated by a custom curve function) can be used to implement features like a bounce back effect, where the progress exceeds the desired final value before returning to complete the animation. When using a system provided curve function, each frame during the animation will have a progress value between ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MIN and ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MAX based on the animation duration and the AnimationCurve. For example, say an animation was scheduled at t = 1.0s, has a delay of 1.0s, a duration of 2.0s and a curve of AnimationCurveLinear. Then the .update callback will get called on t = 2.0s with distance_normalized = ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MIN. For each frame thereafter until t = 4.0s, the update callback will get called where distance_normalized is (ANIMATION_NORMALIZED_MIN

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AnimationCurve

Values that are used to indicate the different animation curves, which determine the speed at which the animated value(s) change(s).


Linear curve: the velocity is constant.


Bicubic ease-in: accelerate from zero velocity.


Bicubic ease-in: decelerate to zero velocity.


Bicubic ease-in-out: accelerate from zero velocity, decelerate to zero velocity.


Custom (user-provided) animation curve.


User-provided interpolation function.

Function Documentation

◆ animation_create()

Animation* animation_create ( void  )

Creates a new Animation on the heap and initalizes it with the default values.

  • Duration: 250ms,
  • Curve: AnimationCurveEaseInOut (ease-in-out),
  • Delay: 0ms,
  • Handlers: {NULL, NULL} (none),
  • Context: NULL (none),
  • Implementation: NULL (no implementation),
  • Scheduled: no
    A pointer to the animation. NULL if the animation could not be created

◆ animation_destroy()

bool animation_destroy ( Animation *  animation)

Destroys an Animation previously created by animation_create.

true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_get_context()

void* animation_get_context ( Animation *  animation)

Gets the application-specific callback context of the animation. This void pointer is passed as an argument when the animation system calls AnimationHandlers callbacks. The context pointer can be set to point to any application specific data using animation_set_handlers().

animationThe animation.
See also

◆ animation_get_curve()

AnimationCurve animation_get_curve ( Animation *  animation)

Gets the animation curve for the animation.

animationThe animation for which to get the curve.
The type of curve.

◆ animation_get_custom_curve()

AnimationCurveFunction animation_get_custom_curve ( Animation *  animation)

Gets the custom animation curve function for the animation.

animationThe animation for which to get the curve.
The custom animation curve function for the given animation. NULL if not set.

◆ animation_get_delay()

uint32_t animation_get_delay ( Animation *  animation)

Get the delay of an animation in milliseconds

animationThe animation for which to get the setting
the delay in milliseconds

◆ animation_get_duration()

uint32_t animation_get_duration ( Animation *  animation,
bool  include_delay,
bool  include_play_count 

Get the static duration of an animation from start to end (ignoring how much has already played, if any).

animationThe animation for which to get the duration
include_delayif true, include the delay time
include_play_countif true, incorporate the play_count
the duration, in milliseconds. This includes any optional delay a set using animation_set_delay.

◆ animation_get_elapsed()

bool animation_get_elapsed ( Animation *  animation,
int32_t *  elapsed_ms 

Get the current location in the animation.

The animation must be scheduled to get the elapsed time. If it is not schedule, this method will return false.
animationThe animation for which to fetch the elapsed.
[out]elapsed_mspointer to variable that will contain the elapsed time in milliseconds
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_get_implementation()

const AnimationImplementation* animation_get_implementation ( Animation *  animation)

Gets the implementation of the custom animation.

animationThe animation for which to get the implementation.
See also
NULL if animation implementation has not been setup.

◆ animation_get_play_count()

uint32_t animation_get_play_count ( Animation *  animation)

Get the play count of an animation

animationThe animation for which to get the setting
the play count

◆ animation_get_reverse()

bool animation_get_reverse ( Animation *  animation)

Get the reverse setting of an animation

animationThe animation for which to get the setting
the reverse setting

◆ animation_is_scheduled()

bool animation_is_scheduled ( Animation *  animation)
True if the animation was scheduled, or false if it was not.
An animation will be scheduled when it is running and not finished yet. An animation that has finished is automatically unscheduled. For convenience, passing in a NULL animation argument will simply return false
animationThe animation for which to get its scheduled state.
See also

◆ animation_schedule()

bool animation_schedule ( Animation *  animation)

Schedules the animation. Call this once after configuring an animation to get it to start running.

If the animation's implementation has a .setup callback it will get called before this function returns.

If the animation was already scheduled, it will first unschedule it and then re-schedule it again. Note that in that case, the animation's .stopped handler, the implementation's .teardown and .setup will get called, due to the unscheduling and scheduling.
animationThe animation to schedule.
See also
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_sequence_create()

Animation* animation_sequence_create ( Animation *  animation_a,
Animation *  animation_b,
Animation *  animation_c,

Create a new sequence animation from a list of 2 or more other animations. The returned animation owns the animations that were provided as arguments and no further write operations on those handles are allowed. The variable length argument list must be terminated with a NULL ptr

the maximum number of animations that can be supplied to this method is 20
animation_athe first required component animation
animation_bthe second required component animation
animation_ceither the third component, or NULL if only adding 2 components
The newly created sequence animation

◆ animation_sequence_create_from_array()

Animation* animation_sequence_create_from_array ( Animation **  animation_array,
uint32_t  array_len 

An alternate form of animation_sequence_create() that accepts an array of other animations.

the maximum number of elements allowed in animation_array is 256
animation_arrayan array of component animations to include
array_lenthe number of elements in the animation_array
The newly created sequence animation

◆ animation_set_curve()

bool animation_set_curve ( Animation *  animation,
AnimationCurve  curve 

Sets the animation curve for the animation.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set the curve.
curveThe type of curve.
See also
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_custom_curve()

bool animation_set_custom_curve ( Animation *  animation,
AnimationCurveFunction  curve_function 

Sets a custom animation curve function.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set the curve.
curve_functionThe custom animation curve function.
See also
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_delay()

bool animation_set_delay ( Animation *  animation,
uint32_t  delay_ms 

Sets an optional delay for the animation.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set the delay.
delay_msThe delay in milliseconds that the animation system should wait from the moment the animation is scheduled to starting the animation.
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_duration()

bool animation_set_duration ( Animation *  animation,
uint32_t  duration_ms 

Sets the time in milliseconds that an animation takes from start to finish.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set the duration.
duration_msThe duration in milliseconds of the animation. This excludes any optional delay as set using animation_set_delay().
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_elapsed()

bool animation_set_elapsed ( Animation *  animation,
uint32_t  elapsed_ms 

Seek to a specific location in the animation. Only forward seeking is allowed. Returns true if successful, false if the passed in seek location is invalid.

animationthe animation for which to set the elapsed.
elapsed_msthe new elapsed time in milliseconds
true if successful, false if the requested elapsed is invalid.

◆ animation_set_handlers()

bool animation_set_handlers ( Animation *  animation,
AnimationHandlers  callbacks,
void *  context 

Sets the callbacks for the animation. Often an application needs to run code at the start or at the end of an animation. Using this function is possible to register callback functions with an animation, that will get called at the start and end of the animation.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set up the callbacks.
callbacksThe callbacks.
contextA pointer to application specific data, that will be passed as an argument by the animation subsystem when a callback is called.
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_implementation()

bool animation_set_implementation ( Animation *  animation,
const AnimationImplementation implementation 

Sets the implementation of the custom animation. When implementing custom animations, use this function to specify what functions need to be called to for the setup, frame update and teardown of the animation.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationThe animation for which to set the implementation.
implementationThe structure with function pointers to the implementation of the setup, update and teardown functions.
See also
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_play_count()

bool animation_set_play_count ( Animation *  animation,
uint32_t  play_count 

Set an animation to play N times. The default is 1.

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationthe animation to set the play count of
play_countnumber of times to play this animation. Set to ANIMATION_PLAY_COUNT_INFINITE to make an animation repeat indefinitely.
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_set_reverse()

bool animation_set_reverse ( Animation *  animation,
bool  reverse 

Set an animation to run in reverse (or forward)

Trying to set an attribute when an animation is immutable will return false (failure). An animation is immutable once it has been added to a sequence or spawn animation or has been scheduled.
animationthe animation to operate on
reverseset to true to run in reverse, false to run forward
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_spawn_create()

Animation* animation_spawn_create ( Animation *  animation_a,
Animation *  animation_b,
Animation *  animation_c,

Create a new spawn animation from a list of 2 or more other animations. The returned animation owns the animations that were provided as arguments and no further write operations on those handles are allowed. The variable length argument list must be terminated with a NULL ptr

the maximum number of animations that can be supplied to this method is 20
animation_athe first required component animation
animation_bthe second required component animation
animation_ceither the third component, or NULL if only adding 2 components
The newly created spawn animation or NULL on failure

◆ animation_spawn_create_from_array()

Animation* animation_spawn_create_from_array ( Animation **  animation_array,
uint32_t  array_len 

An alternate form of animation_spawn_create() that accepts an array of other animations.

the maximum number of elements allowed in animation_array is 256
animation_arrayan array of component animations to include
array_lenthe number of elements in the animation_array
The newly created spawn animation or NULL on failure

◆ animation_unschedule()

bool animation_unschedule ( Animation *  animation)

Unschedules the animation, which in effect stops the animation.

animationThe animation to unschedule.
If the animation was not yet finished, unscheduling it will cause its .stopped handler to get called, with the "finished" argument set to false.
If the animation is not scheduled or NULL, calling this routine is effectively a no-op
See also
true if successful, false on failure

◆ animation_unschedule_all()

void animation_unschedule_all ( void  )

Unschedules all animations of the application.

See also