Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble

Layer that displays a standard list menu. Data is provided using callbacks. More...

Collaboration diagram for MenuLayer:


struct  MenuIndex
struct  MenuCellSpan
struct  MenuLayerCallbacks
 Data structure containing all the callbacks of a MenuLayer. More...


#define MENU_CELL_BASIC_HEADER_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 16)
 Default section header height in pixels.
#define MENU_INDEX_NOT_FOUND   ((const uint16_t) ~0)
#define MenuIndex(section, row)   ((MenuIndex){ (section), (row) })
 Macro to create a MenuIndex.
#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 68)
#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 24)
#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 84)
#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 32)


typedef struct MenuIndex MenuIndex
typedef struct MenuCellSpan MenuCellSpan
typedef struct MenuLayer MenuLayer
typedef uint16_t(* MenuLayerGetNumberOfSectionsCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, void *callback_context)
typedef uint16_t(* MenuLayerGetNumberOfRowsInSectionsCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)
typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetCellHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)
typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetHeaderHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)
typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetSeparatorHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawRowCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawHeaderCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawSeparatorCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectionChangedCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex new_index, MenuIndex old_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectionWillChangeCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *new_index, MenuIndex old_index, void *callback_context)
typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawBackgroundCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *bg_layer, bool highlight, void *callback_context)
typedef struct MenuLayerCallbacks MenuLayerCallbacks
 Data structure containing all the callbacks of a MenuLayer.


enum  MenuRowAlign { MenuRowAlignNone, MenuRowAlignCenter, MenuRowAlignTop, MenuRowAlignBottom }


void menu_cell_basic_draw (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, const char *title, const char *subtitle, GBitmap *icon)
void menu_cell_title_draw (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, const char *title)
void menu_cell_basic_header_draw (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, const char *title)
int16_t menu_index_compare (const MenuIndex *a, const MenuIndex *b)
MenuLayer * menu_layer_create (GRect frame)
void menu_layer_destroy (MenuLayer *menu_layer)
 Destroys a MenuLayer previously created by menu_layer_create.
Layer * menu_layer_get_layer (const MenuLayer *menu_layer)
ScrollLayer * menu_layer_get_scroll_layer (const MenuLayer *menu_layer)
void menu_layer_set_callbacks (MenuLayer *menu_layer, void *callback_context, MenuLayerCallbacks callbacks)
void menu_layer_set_click_config_onto_window (MenuLayer *menu_layer, struct Window *window)
void menu_layer_set_selected_next (MenuLayer *menu_layer, bool up, MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
void menu_layer_set_selected_index (MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex index, MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
MenuIndex menu_layer_get_selected_index (const MenuLayer *menu_layer)
void menu_layer_reload_data (MenuLayer *menu_layer)
bool menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted (const Layer *cell_layer)
void menu_layer_set_normal_colors (MenuLayer *menu_layer, GColor background, GColor foreground)
void menu_layer_set_highlight_colors (MenuLayer *menu_layer, GColor background, GColor foreground)
void menu_layer_pad_bottom_enable (MenuLayer *menu_layer, bool enable)
bool menu_layer_get_center_focused (MenuLayer *menu_layer)
void menu_layer_set_center_focused (MenuLayer *menu_layer, bool center_focused)
bool menu_layer_is_index_selected (const MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *index)

Detailed Description

Layer that displays a standard list menu. Data is provided using callbacks.

Key Points

For short, static list menus, consider using SimpleMenuLayer.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 68)

Constant value representing MenuLayer short cell height when this item is the selected item on a round display.


#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 84)

Constant value representing MenuLayer tall cell height when this item is the selected item on a round display.


#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 24)

Constant value representing MenuLayer short cell height when this item is not the selected item on a round display.


#define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT   ((const int16_t) 32)

Constant value representing MenuLayer tall cell height when this item is not the selected item on a round display.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MenuIndex

typedef struct MenuIndex MenuIndex

Data structure to represent an menu item's position in a menu, by specifying the section index and the row index within that section.

◆ MenuLayerDrawBackgroundCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawBackgroundCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *bg_layer, bool highlight, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback which draws the menu's background. The background is underneath the cells of the menu, and is visible in the padding below the bottom cell, or if a cell's background color is set to GColorClear.

ctxThe destination graphics context to draw into.
bg_layerThe background's layer, containing the geometry of the background.
highlightWhether this should be rendered as highlighted or not. Highlight style should match the highlight style of cells, since this color can be used for animating selection.

◆ MenuLayerDrawHeaderCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawHeaderCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to render the section header at a given section index.

ctxThe destination graphics context to draw into
cell_layerThe header cell's layer, containing the geometry of the header cell
section_indexThe section index of the section header that needs to be drawn
callback_contextThe callback context
The cell_layer argument is provided to make it easy to re-use an .update_proc implementation in this callback. Only the bounds and frame of the cell_layer are actually valid and other properties should be ignored.
See also

◆ MenuLayerDrawRowCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawRowCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to render the menu cell at a given MenuIndex.

ctxThe destination graphics context to draw into
cell_layerThe cell's layer, containing the geometry of the cell
cell_indexThe MenuIndex of the cell that needs to be drawn
callback_contextThe callback context
The cell_layer argument is provided to make it easy to re-use an .update_proc implementation in this callback. Only the bounds and frame of the cell_layer are actually valid and other properties should be ignored.
See also

◆ MenuLayerDrawSeparatorCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerDrawSeparatorCallback) (GContext *ctx, const Layer *cell_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to render the separator at a given MenuIndex.

ctxThe destination graphics context to draw into
cell_layerThe cell's layer, containing the geometry of the cell
cell_indexThe MenuIndex of the separator that needs to be drawn
callback_contextThe callback context
The cell_layer argument is provided to make it easy to re-use an .update_proc implementation in this callback. Only the bounds and frame of the cell_layer are actually valid and other properties should be ignored.
See also

◆ MenuLayerGetCellHeightCallback

typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetCellHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to get the height of the menu cell at a given index.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the data is requested
cell_indexThe MenuIndex for which the cell height is requested
callback_contextThe callback context
The height of the cell at the given MenuIndex
See also

◆ MenuLayerGetHeaderHeightCallback

typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetHeaderHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to get the height of the section header at a given section index.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the data is requested
section_indexThe index of the section for which the header height is requested
callback_contextThe callback context
The height of the section header at the given section index
See also

◆ MenuLayerGetNumberOfRowsInSectionsCallback

typedef uint16_t(* MenuLayerGetNumberOfRowsInSectionsCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, uint16_t section_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to get the number of rows in a given section in a menu.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the data is requested
section_indexThe index of the section of the menu for which the number of items it contains is requested
callback_contextThe callback context
The number of rows in the given section in the menu
See also

◆ MenuLayerGetNumberOfSectionsCallback

typedef uint16_t(* MenuLayerGetNumberOfSectionsCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to get the number of sections in a menu.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the data is requested
callback_contextThe callback context
The number of sections in the menu
See also

◆ MenuLayerGetSeparatorHeightCallback

typedef int16_t(* MenuLayerGetSeparatorHeightCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to get the height of the separator at a given index.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the data is requested
cell_indexThe MenuIndex for which the cell height is requested
callback_contextThe callback context
The height of the separator at the given MenuIndex
See also

◆ MenuLayerSelectCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *cell_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to handle the event that a user hits the SELECT button.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the selection event occured
cell_indexThe MenuIndex of the cell that is selected
callback_contextThe callback context
See also

◆ MenuLayerSelectionChangedCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectionChangedCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex new_index, MenuIndex old_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback to handle a change in the current selected item in the menu.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the selection event occured
new_indexThe MenuIndex of the new item that is selected now
old_indexThe MenuIndex of the old item that was selected before
callback_contextThe callback context
See also

◆ MenuLayerSelectionWillChangeCallback

typedef void(* MenuLayerSelectionWillChangeCallback) (struct MenuLayer *menu_layer, MenuIndex *new_index, MenuIndex old_index, void *callback_context)

Function signature for the callback which allows or changes selection behavior of the menu. In order to change the cell that should be selected, modify the passed in new_index. Preventing the selection from changing, new_index can be assigned the value of old_index.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which the selection event that occured
new_indexPointer to the index that the MenuLayer is going to change selection to.
old_indexThe index that is being unselected.
callback_contextThe callback context
menu_layer_set_selected_index will not trigger this callback when the selection changes, but menu_layer_set_selected_next will.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ MenuRowAlign

Values to specify how a (selected) row should be aligned relative to the visible area of the MenuLayer.


Don't align or update the scroll offset of the MenuLayer.


Scroll the contents of the MenuLayer in such way that the selected row is centered relative to the visible area.


Scroll the contents of the MenuLayer in such way that the selected row is at the top of the visible area.


Scroll the contents of the MenuLayer in such way that the selected row is at the bottom of the visible area.

Function Documentation

◆ menu_cell_basic_draw()

void menu_cell_basic_draw ( GContext *  ctx,
const Layer *  cell_layer,
const char *  title,
const char *  subtitle,
GBitmap *  icon 

Section drawing function to draw a basic section cell with the title, subtitle, and icon of the section. Call this function inside the .draw_row callback implementation, see MenuLayerCallbacks. Note that if the size of cell_layer is too small to fit all of the cell items specified, not all of them may be drawn.

ctxThe destination graphics context
cell_layerThe layer of the cell to draw
titleIf non-null, draws a title in larger text (24 points, bold Raster Gothic system font).
subtitleIf non-null, draws a subtitle in smaller text (18 points, Raster Gothic system font). If NULL, the title will be centered vertically inside the menu cell.
iconIf non-null, draws an icon to the left of the text. If NULL, the icon will be omitted and the leftover space is used for the title and subtitle.

◆ menu_cell_basic_header_draw()

void menu_cell_basic_header_draw ( GContext *  ctx,
const Layer *  cell_layer,
const char *  title 

Section header drawing function to draw a basic section header cell layout with the title of the section. Call this function inside the .draw_header callback implementation, see MenuLayerCallbacks.

ctxThe destination graphics context
cell_layerThe layer of the cell to draw
titleIf non-null, draws the title in small text (14 points, bold Raster Gothic system font).

◆ menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted()

bool menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted ( const Layer *  cell_layer)

Returns whether or not the given cell layer is highlighted. Using this for determining highlight behaviour is preferable to using menu_layer_get_selected_index. Row drawing callbacks may be invoked multiple times with a different highlight status on the same cell in order to handle partially highlighted cells during animation.

cell_layerThe Layers for the cell to check highlight status.
true if the given cell layer is highlighted in the menu.

◆ menu_cell_title_draw()

void menu_cell_title_draw ( GContext *  ctx,
const Layer *  cell_layer,
const char *  title 

Cell drawing function to draw a basic menu cell layout with title, subtitle Cell drawing function to draw a menu cell layout with only one big title. Call this function inside the .draw_row callback implementation, see MenuLayerCallbacks.

ctxThe destination graphics context
cell_layerThe layer of the cell to draw
titleIf non-null, draws a title in larger text (28 points, bold Raster Gothic system font).

◆ menu_index_compare()

int16_t menu_index_compare ( const MenuIndex a,
const MenuIndex b 

Comparator function to determine the order of two MenuIndex values.

aPointer to the menu index of the first item
bPointer to the menu index of the second item
0 if A and B are equal, 1 if A has a higher section & row combination than B or else -1

◆ menu_layer_create()

MenuLayer* menu_layer_create ( GRect  frame)

Creates a new MenuLayer on the heap and initalizes it with the default values.

  • Clips: true
  • Hidden: false
  • Content size: frame.size
  • Content offset: GPointZero
  • Callbacks: None (NULL for each one)
  • Callback context: NULL
  • After the relevant callbacks are called to populate the menu, the item at MenuIndex(0, 0) will be selected initially.
    A pointer to the MenuLayer. NULL if the MenuLayer could not be created

◆ menu_layer_get_center_focused()

bool menu_layer_get_center_focused ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer)

True, if the MenuLayer generally scrolls such that the selected row is in the center.

See also

◆ menu_layer_get_layer()

Layer* menu_layer_get_layer ( const MenuLayer *  menu_layer)

Gets the "root" Layer of the MenuLayer, which is the parent for the sub- layers used for its implementation.

menu_layerPointer to the MenuLayer for which to get the "root" Layer
The "root" Layer of the MenuLayer.

◆ menu_layer_get_scroll_layer()

ScrollLayer* menu_layer_get_scroll_layer ( const MenuLayer *  menu_layer)

Gets the ScrollLayer of the MenuLayer, which is the layer responsible for the scrolling of the MenuLayer.

menu_layerPointer to the MenuLayer for which to get the ScrollLayer
The ScrollLayer of the MenuLayer.

◆ menu_layer_get_selected_index()

MenuIndex menu_layer_get_selected_index ( const MenuLayer *  menu_layer)

Gets the MenuIndex of the currently selected menu item.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to get the current selected index.
See also
This function should not be used to determine whether a cell should be highlighted or not. See menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted for more information.

◆ menu_layer_is_index_selected()

bool menu_layer_is_index_selected ( const MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
MenuIndex index 

Returns whether or not the specified cell index is currently selected.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer to use when determining if the index is selected.
indexThe MenuIndex of the cell to check for selection.
This function should not be used to determine whether a cell is highlighted or not. See menu_cell_layer_is_highlighted for more information.

◆ menu_layer_pad_bottom_enable()

void menu_layer_pad_bottom_enable ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
bool  enable 

This enables or disables padding at the bottom of the MenuLayer. Padding at the bottom of the layer keeps the bottom item from being at the very bottom of the screen. Padding is turned on by default for all MenuLayers. The color of the padded area will be the background color set using menu_layer_set_normal_colors(). To color the padding a different color, use MenuLayerDrawBackgroundCallback.

menu_layerThe menu layer for which to enable or disable the padding.
enableTrue = enable padding, False = disable padding.

◆ menu_layer_reload_data()

void menu_layer_reload_data ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer)

Reloads the data of the menu. This causes the menu to re-request the menu item data, by calling the relevant callbacks. The current selection and scroll position will not be changed. See the note with menu_layer_set_selected_index() for the behavior if the old selection is no longer valid.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to reload the data.

◆ menu_layer_set_callbacks()

void menu_layer_set_callbacks ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
void *  callback_context,
MenuLayerCallbacks  callbacks 

Sets the callbacks for the MenuLayer.

menu_layerPointer to the MenuLayer for which to set the callbacks and callback context.
callback_contextThe new callback context. This is passed into each of the callbacks and can be set to point to application provided data.
callbacksThe new callbacks for the MenuLayer. The storage for this data structure must be long lived. Therefore, it cannot be stack-allocated.
See also

◆ menu_layer_set_center_focused()

void menu_layer_set_center_focused ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
bool  center_focused 

Controls if the MenuLayer generally scrolls such that the selected row is in the center. For platforms with a round display (PBL_ROUND) the default is true, otherwise false is the default

menu_layerThe menu layer for which to enable or disable the behavior.
center_focusedtrue = enable the mode, false = disable it.
See also

◆ menu_layer_set_click_config_onto_window()

void menu_layer_set_click_config_onto_window ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
struct Window *  window 

Convenience function to set the ClickConfigProvider callback on the given window to the MenuLayer internal click config provider. This internal click configuration provider, will set up the default UP & DOWN scrolling / menu item selection behavior. This function calls scroll_layer_set_click_config_onto_window to accomplish this.

Click and long click events for the SELECT button can be handled by installing the appropriate callbacks using menu_layer_set_callbacks(). This is a deviation from the usual click configuration provider pattern.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer that needs to receive click events.
windowThe window for which to set the click configuration.
See also

◆ menu_layer_set_highlight_colors()

void menu_layer_set_highlight_colors ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
GColor  background,
GColor  foreground 

Set the default colors to be used for cells when it is in a highlighted state. The GContext's text and fill colors will be set appropriately prior to calling the .draw_row callback. If this function is not explicitly called on a MenuLayer, it will default to black background with white foreground.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to set the colors.
backgroundThe color to be used for the background of the cell.
foregroundThe color to be used for the foreground and text of the cell.
See also

◆ menu_layer_set_normal_colors()

void menu_layer_set_normal_colors ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
GColor  background,
GColor  foreground 

Set the default colors to be used for cells when it is in a normal state (not highlighted). The GContext's text and fill colors will be set appropriately prior to calling the .draw_row callback. If this function is not explicitly called on a MenuLayer, it will default to white background with black foreground.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to set the colors.
backgroundThe color to be used for the background of the cell.
foregroundThe color to be used for the foreground and text of the cell.
See also

◆ menu_layer_set_selected_index()

void menu_layer_set_selected_index ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
MenuIndex  index,
MenuRowAlign  scroll_align,
bool  animated 

Selects the item with given MenuIndex.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to change the selection
indexThe index of the item to select
scroll_alignThe alignment of the new selection
animatedSupply true to animate changing the selection, or false to change the selection instantly.
If the section and/or row index exceeds the avaible number of sections or resp. rows, the exceeding index/indices will be capped, effectively selecting the last section and/or row, resp.

◆ menu_layer_set_selected_next()

void menu_layer_set_selected_next ( MenuLayer *  menu_layer,
bool  up,
MenuRowAlign  scroll_align,
bool  animated 

Selects the next or previous item, relative to the current selection.

menu_layerThe MenuLayer for which to select the next item
upSupply false to select the next item in the list (downwards), or true to select the previous item in the list (upwards).
scroll_alignThe alignment of the new selection
animatedSupply true to animate changing the selection, or false to change the selection instantly.
If there is no next/previous item, this function is a no-op.