Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
Graphics Types

Basic graphics types (point, rect, size, color, bitmaps, etc.) and utility functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Graphics Types:


 Color Definitions


union  GColor8
struct  GPoint
struct  GSize
 Represents a 2-dimensional size. More...
struct  GRect
struct  GBitmapDataRowInfo
struct  GEdgeInsets


#define GColorFromRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha)
#define GColorFromRGB(red, green, blue)   GColorFromRGBA(red, green, blue, 255)
#define GColorFromHEX(v)   GColorFromRGB(((v) >> 16) & 0xff, ((v) >> 8) & 0xff, ((v) & 0xff))
#define COLOR_FALLBACK(color, bw)   (color)
#define PBL_IF_RECT_ELSE(if_true, if_false)   (if_true)
#define PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(if_true, if_false)   (if_false)
#define PBL_IF_BW_ELSE(if_true, if_false)   (if_false)
#define PBL_IF_COLOR_ELSE(if_true, if_false)   (if_true)
#define GPoint(x, y)   ((GPoint){(x), (y)})
 Convenience macro to make a GPoint.
#define GPointZero   GPoint(0, 0)
 Convenience macro to make a GPoint at (0, 0).
#define GSize(w, h)   ((GSize){(w), (h)})
 Convenience macro to make a GSize.
#define GSizeZero   GSize(0, 0)
 Convenience macro to make a GSize of (0, 0).
#define GRect(x, y, w, h)   ((GRect){{(x), (y)}, {(w), (h)}})
 Convenience macro to make a GRect.
#define GRectZero   GRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
 Convenience macro to make a GRect of ((0, 0), (0, 0)).
 Repeat Sequence or animation indefinitely.
 Duration of Sequence or animation is infinite.
#define GEdgeInsets4(t, r, b, l)   ((GEdgeInsets){.top = t, .right = r, .bottom = b, .left = l})
 helper for GEdgeInsets macro
#define GEdgeInsets3(t, rl, b)   ((GEdgeInsets){.top = t, .right = rl, .bottom = b, .left = rl})
 helper for GEdgeInsets macro
#define GEdgeInsets2(tb, rl)   ((GEdgeInsets){.top = tb, .right = rl, .bottom = tb, .left = rl})
 helper for GEdgeInsets macro
#define GEdgeInsets1(trbl)   ((GEdgeInsets){.top = trbl, .right = trbl, .bottom = trbl, .left = trbl})
 helper for GEdgeInsets macro
#define GEdgeInsetsN(_1, _2, _3, _4, NAME, ...)   NAME
 helper for GEdgeInsets macro
#define GEdgeInsets(...)   GEdgeInsetsN(__VA_ARGS__, GEdgeInsets4, GEdgeInsets3, GEdgeInsets2, GEdgeInsets1)(__VA_ARGS__)


typedef union GColor8 GColor8
typedef GColor8 GColor
typedef struct GPoint GPoint
typedef struct GSize GSize
 Represents a 2-dimensional size.
typedef struct GRect GRect
typedef enum GBitmapFormat GBitmapFormat
 The format of a GBitmap can either be 1-bit or 8-bit.
typedef struct GBitmap GBitmap
typedef struct GBitmapSequence GBitmapSequence
typedef enum GAlign GAlign
typedef struct GContext GContext


enum  GBitmapFormat {
  GBitmapFormat1Bit = 0, GBitmapFormat8Bit, GBitmapFormat1BitPalette, GBitmapFormat2BitPalette,
  GBitmapFormat4BitPalette, GBitmapFormat8BitCircular
 The format of a GBitmap can either be 1-bit or 8-bit.
enum  GAlign {
  GAlignCenter, GAlignTopLeft, GAlignTopRight, GAlignTop,
  GAlignLeft, GAlignBottom, GAlignRight, GAlignBottomRight,
enum  GCompOp {
  GCompOpAssign, GCompOpAssignInverted, GCompOpOr, GCompOpAnd,
  GCompOpClear, GCompOpSet


bool gcolor_equal (GColor8 x, GColor8 y)
 True if both colors are identical or both are invisible (i.e. both have alpha values of .a=0).
GColor8 gcolor_legible_over (GColor8 background_color)
bool gpoint_equal (const GPoint *const point_a, const GPoint *const point_b)
bool gsize_equal (const GSize *size_a, const GSize *size_b)
bool grect_equal (const GRect *const rect_a, const GRect *const rect_b)
bool grect_is_empty (const GRect *const rect)
void grect_standardize (GRect *rect)
void grect_clip (GRect *const rect_to_clip, const GRect *const rect_clipper)
bool grect_contains_point (const GRect *rect, const GPoint *point)
GPoint grect_center_point (const GRect *rect)
GRect grect_crop (GRect rect, const int32_t crop_size_px)
uint16_t gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row (const GBitmap *bitmap)
GBitmapFormat gbitmap_get_format (const GBitmap *bitmap)
uint8_t * gbitmap_get_data (const GBitmap *bitmap)
void gbitmap_set_data (GBitmap *bitmap, uint8_t *data, GBitmapFormat format, uint16_t row_size_bytes, bool free_on_destroy)
GRect gbitmap_get_bounds (const GBitmap *bitmap)
void gbitmap_set_bounds (GBitmap *bitmap, GRect bounds)
GColorgbitmap_get_palette (const GBitmap *bitmap)
void gbitmap_set_palette (GBitmap *bitmap, GColor *palette, bool free_on_destroy)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_with_resource (uint32_t resource_id)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_with_data (const uint8_t *data)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap (const GBitmap *base_bitmap, GRect sub_rect)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_from_png_data (const uint8_t *png_data, size_t png_data_size)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_blank (GSize size, GBitmapFormat format)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_blank_with_palette (GSize size, GBitmapFormat format, GColor *palette, bool free_on_destroy)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_palettized_from_1bit (const GBitmap *src_bitmap)
void gbitmap_destroy (GBitmap *bitmap)
GBitmapSequence * gbitmap_sequence_create_with_resource (uint32_t resource_id)
bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t *delay_ms)
bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_by_elapsed (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t elapsed_ms)
void gbitmap_sequence_destroy (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
bool gbitmap_sequence_restart (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
int32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_current_frame_idx (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_total_num_frames (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_play_count (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
void gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, uint32_t play_count)
GSize gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size (GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
GBitmapDataRowInfo gbitmap_get_data_row_info (const GBitmap *bitmap, uint16_t y)
void grect_align (GRect *rect, const GRect *inside_rect, const GAlign alignment, const bool clip)
GRect grect_inset (GRect rect, GEdgeInsets insets)

Detailed Description

Basic graphics types (point, rect, size, color, bitmaps, etc.) and utility functions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define COLOR_FALLBACK (   color,
)    (color)

Convenience macro allowing use of a fallback color for black and white platforms. On color platforms, the first expression will be chosen, the second otherwise.

◆ GColorFromHEX

#define GColorFromHEX (   v)    GColorFromRGB(((v) >> 16) & 0xff, ((v) >> 8) & 0xff, ((v) & 0xff))

Convert hex integer to GColor.

vInteger hex value (e.g. 0x64ff46)
GColor created from the hex value

◆ GColorFromRGB

#define GColorFromRGB (   red,
)    GColorFromRGBA(red, green, blue, 255)

Convert RGB to GColor.

redRed value from 0 - 255
greenGreen value from 0 - 255
blueBlue value from 0 - 255
GColor created from the RGB values

◆ GColorFromRGBA

#define GColorFromRGBA (   red,
((GColor8){ \
.a = (uint8_t)(alpha) >> 6, \
.r = (uint8_t)(red) >> 6, \
.g = (uint8_t)(green) >> 6, \
.b = (uint8_t)(blue) >> 6, \

Convert RGBA to GColor.

redRed value from 0 - 255
greenGreen value from 0 - 255
blueBlue value from 0 - 255
alphaAlpha value from 0 - 255
GColor created from the RGB values

◆ GEdgeInsets

#define GEdgeInsets (   ...)    GEdgeInsetsN(__VA_ARGS__, GEdgeInsets4, GEdgeInsets3, GEdgeInsets2, GEdgeInsets1)(__VA_ARGS__)

Convenience macro to make a GEdgeInsets This macro follows the CSS shorthand notation where you can call it with

  • just one value GEdgeInsets(v1) to configure all edges with v1 (GEdgeInsets){.top = v1, .right = v1, .bottom = v1, .left = v1}
  • two values v1, v2 to configure a vertical and horizontal inset as (GEdgeInsets){.top = v1, .right = v2, .bottom = v1, .left = v2}
  • three values v1, v2, v3 to configure it with (GEdgeInsets){.top = v1, .right = v2, .bottom = v3, .left = v2}
  • four values v1, v2, v3, v4 to configure it with (GEdgeInsets){.top = v1, .right = v2, .bottom = v3, .left = v4}
    See also


#define PBL_IF_BW_ELSE (   if_true,
)    (if_false)

Convenience macro to switch between two expression depending on the screen of the platform. On black& white platforms, the first expression will be chosen, the second otherwise.


#define PBL_IF_COLOR_ELSE (   if_true,
)    (if_true)

Convenience macro to switch between two expression depending on the screen of the platform. On color platforms, the first expression will be chosen, the second otherwise.


#define PBL_IF_RECT_ELSE (   if_true,
)    (if_true)

Convenience macro to switch between two expression depending on the screen of the platform. On platforms with rectangular screen, the first expression will be chosen, the second otherwise.


#define PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE (   if_true,
)    (if_false)

Convenience macro to switch between two expression depending on the screen of the platform. On platforms with round screen, the first expression will be chosen, the second otherwise.

Typedef Documentation

◆ GAlign

typedef enum GAlign GAlign

Values to specify how two things should be aligned relative to each other.

See also

◆ GPoint

typedef struct GPoint GPoint

Represents a point in a 2-dimensional coordinate system.

Conventionally, the origin of Pebble's 2D coordinate system is in the upper, lefthand corner its x-axis extends to the right and its y-axis extends to the bottom of the screen.

◆ GRect

typedef struct GRect GRect

Represents a rectangle and defining it using the origin of the upper-lefthand corner and its size.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GAlign

enum GAlign

Values to specify how two things should be aligned relative to each other.

See also

Align by centering.


Align by making the top edges overlap and left edges overlap.


Align by making the top edges overlap and left edges overlap.


Align by making the top edges overlap and centered horizontally.


Align by making the left edges overlap and centered vertically.


Align by making the bottom edges overlap and centered horizontally.


Align by making the right edges overlap and centered vertically.


Align by making the bottom edges overlap and right edges overlap.


Align by making the bottom edges overlap and left edges overlap.

◆ GCompOp

enum GCompOp

Values to specify how the source image should be composited onto the destination image.

Contrived example of how the different compositing modes affect drawing. Often, the "destination image" is the render buffer and thus contains the image of what has been drawn before or "underneath".

For color displays, only two compositing modes are supported, GCompOpAssign and GCompOpSet. The behavior of other compositing modes are undefined and may change in the future. Transparency can be achieved using GCompOpSet and requires pixel values with alpha value .a < 3.

See also

Assign the pixel values of the source image to the destination pixels, effectively replacing the previous values for those pixels. For color displays, when drawing a palettized or 8-bit GBitmap image, the opacity value is ignored.


Assign the inverted pixel values of the source image to the destination pixels, effectively replacing the previous values for those pixels.

For bitmaps with a format different from GBitmapFormat1Bit, this mode is not supported and the resulting behavior is undefined.

Use the boolean operator OR to composite the source and destination pixels. The visual result of this compositing mode is the source's white pixels are painted onto the destination and the source's black pixels are treated as clear.

For bitmaps with a format different from GBitmapFormat1Bit, this mode is not supported and the resulting behavior is undefined.

Use the boolean operator AND to composite the source and destination pixels. The visual result of this compositing mode is the source's black pixels are painted onto the destination and the source's white pixels are treated as clear.

For bitmaps with a format different from GBitmapFormat1Bit, this mode is not supported and the resulting behavior is undefined.

Clears the bits in the destination image, using the source image as mask. The visual result of this compositing mode is that for the parts where the source image is white, the destination image will be painted black. Other parts will be left untouched.

For bitmaps with a format different from GBitmapFormat1Bit, this mode is not supported and the resulting behavior is undefined.

Sets the bits in the destination image, using the source image as mask. This mode is required to apply any transparency of your bitmap.

For bitmaps of the format GBitmapFormat1Bit, the visual result of this compositing mode is that for the parts where the source image is black, the destination image will be painted white. Other parts will be left untouched.

Function Documentation

◆ gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap ( const GBitmap *  base_bitmap,
GRect  sub_rect 

Create a new GBitmap on the heap as a sub-bitmap of a 'base' GBitmap, using a GRect to indicate what portion of the base to use. The sub-bitmap will just reference the image data and palette of the base bitmap. No deep-copying occurs as a result of calling this function, thus the caller is responsible for making sure the base bitmap and palette will remain available when using the sub-bitmap. Note that you should not destroy the parent bitmap until the sub_bitmap has been destroyed. The resulting GBitmap must be destroyed using gbitmap_destroy().

[in]base_bitmapThe bitmap that the sub-bitmap of which the image data will be used by the sub-bitmap
sub_rectThe rectangle within the image data of the base bitmap. The bounds of the base bitmap will be used to clip sub_rect.
A pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created

◆ gbitmap_create_blank()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_blank ( GSize  size,
GBitmapFormat  format 

Creates a new blank GBitmap on the heap initialized to zeroes. In the case that the format indicates a palettized bitmap, a palette of appropriate size will also be allocated on the heap. The resulting GBitmap must be destroyed using gbitmap_destroy().

sizeThe Pebble image dimensions as a GSize.
formatThe GBitmapFormat the created image should be in.
A pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created

◆ gbitmap_create_blank_with_palette()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_blank_with_palette ( GSize  size,
GBitmapFormat  format,
GColor palette,
bool  free_on_destroy 

Creates a new blank GBitmap on the heap, initialized to zeroes, and assigns it the given palette. No deep-copying of the palette occurs, so the caller is responsible for making sure the palette remains available when using the resulting bitmap. Management of that memory can be handed off to the system with the free_on_destroy argument.

sizeThe Pebble image dimensions as a GSize.
formatthe GBitmapFormat the created image and palette should be in.
palettea pointer to a palette that is to be used for this GBitmap. The palette should be large enough to hold enough colors for the specified format. For example, GBitmapFormat2BitPalette should have 4 colors, since 2^2 = 4.
free_on_destroySet whether the palette data should be freed along with the bitmap data when the GBitmap is destroyed.
A Pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created.

◆ gbitmap_create_from_png_data()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_from_png_data ( const uint8_t *  png_data,
size_t  png_data_size 

Create a GBitmap based on raw PNG data. The resulting GBitmap must be destroyed using gbitmap_destroy(). The developer is responsible for freeing png_data following this call.

PNG decoding currently supports 1,2,4 and 8 bit palettized and grayscale images.
png_dataPNG image data.
png_data_sizePNG image size in bytes.
A pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created

◆ gbitmap_create_palettized_from_1bit()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_palettized_from_1bit ( const GBitmap *  src_bitmap)

Given a 1-bit GBitmap, create a new bitmap of format GBitmapFormat1BitPalette. The new data buffer is allocated on the heap, and a 2-color palette is allocated as well.

src_bitmapA GBitmap of format GBitmapFormat1Bit which is to be copied into a newly created GBitmap of format GBitmapFormat1BitPalettized.
The newly created 1-bit palettized GBitmap, or NULL if there is not sufficient space.
The new bitmap does not depend on any data from src_bitmap, so src_bitmap can be freed without worry.

◆ gbitmap_create_with_data()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_with_data ( const uint8_t *  data)

Creates a new GBitmap on the heap initialized with the provided Pebble image data.

The resulting GBitmap must be destroyed using gbitmap_destroy() but the image data will not be freed automatically. The developer is responsible for keeping the image data in memory as long as the bitmap is used and releasing it after the bitmap is destroyed.

One way to generate Pebble image data is to use in the Pebble SDK to generate a .pbi file.
dataThe Pebble image data. Must not be NULL. The function assumes the data to be correct; there are no sanity checks performed on the data. The data will not be copied and the pointer must remain valid for the lifetime of this GBitmap.
A pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created

◆ gbitmap_create_with_resource()

GBitmap* gbitmap_create_with_resource ( uint32_t  resource_id)

Creates a new GBitmap on the heap using a Pebble image file stored as a resource. The resulting GBitmap must be destroyed using gbitmap_destroy().

resource_idThe ID of the bitmap resource to load
A pointer to the GBitmap. NULL if the GBitmap could not be created

◆ gbitmap_destroy()

void gbitmap_destroy ( GBitmap *  bitmap)

Destroy a GBitmap. This must be called for every bitmap that's been created with gbitmap_create_*

This function will also free the memory of the bitmap data (bitmap->addr) if the bitmap was created with gbitmap_create_blank() or gbitmap_create_with_resource().

If the GBitmap was created with gbitmap_create_with_data(), you must release the memory after calling gbitmap_destroy().

◆ gbitmap_get_bounds()

GRect gbitmap_get_bounds ( const GBitmap *  bitmap)

Gets the bounds of the content for the GBitmap. This is set when loading the image or if changed by gbitmap_set_bounds.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get the bounding box from.
The bounding box for the GBitmap.
See also

◆ gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row()

uint16_t gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row ( const GBitmap *  bitmap)

Get the number of bytes per row in the bitmap data for the given GBitmap. On rectangular displays, this can be used as a safe way of iterating over the rows in the bitmap, since bytes per row should be set according to format. On circular displays with pixel format of GBitmapFormat8BitCircular this will return 0, and should not be used for iteration over frame buffer pixels. Instead, use GBitmapDataRowInfo, which provides safe minimum and maximum x values for a given row's y value.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get the bytes per row
The number of bytes per row of the GBitmap
See also

◆ gbitmap_get_data()

uint8_t* gbitmap_get_data ( const GBitmap *  bitmap)

Get a pointer to the raw image data section of the given GBitmap as specified by the format of the bitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get the data
pointer to the raw image data for the GBitmap
See also

◆ gbitmap_get_data_row_info()

GBitmapDataRowInfo gbitmap_get_data_row_info ( const GBitmap *  bitmap,
uint16_t  y 

Provides information about a pixel data row

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get row info
yAbsolute row number in the pixel data, independent from the bitmap's bounds
Description of the row
This function does not respect the bitmap's bounds but purely operates on the pixel data. This function works with every bitmap format including GBitmapFormat1Bit. The result of the function for invalid rows is undefined.
See also

◆ gbitmap_get_format()

GBitmapFormat gbitmap_get_format ( const GBitmap *  bitmap)

Get the GBitmapFormat for the GBitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get the format
The format of the given GBitmap.

◆ gbitmap_get_palette()

GColor* gbitmap_get_palette ( const GBitmap *  bitmap)

Get the palette for the given GBitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to get the palette from.
Pointer to a GColor array containing the palette colors.
See also

◆ gbitmap_sequence_create_with_resource()

GBitmapSequence* gbitmap_sequence_create_with_resource ( uint32_t  resource_id)

Creates a GBitmapSequence from the specified resource (APNG/PNG files)

resource_idResource to load and create GBitmapSequence from.
GBitmapSequence pointer if the resource was loaded, NULL otherwise

◆ gbitmap_sequence_destroy()

void gbitmap_sequence_destroy ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

Deletes the GBitmapSequence structure and frees any allocated memory/decoder_data

bitmap_sequencePointer to the bitmap sequence to free (delete)

◆ gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size()

GSize gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

This function gets the minimum required size (dimensions) necessary to render the bitmap sequence to a GBitmap using the /ref gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
Dimensions required to render the bitmap sequence to a GBitmap

◆ gbitmap_sequence_get_current_frame_idx()

int32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_current_frame_idx ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

This function gets the current frame number for the bitmap sequence

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
index of current frame in the current loop of the bitmap sequence

◆ gbitmap_sequence_get_play_count()

uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_play_count ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

This function gets the play count (number of times to repeat) the bitmap sequence

This value is initialized by the bitmap sequence data, and is modified by gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count
bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
Play count of bitmap sequence, PLAY_COUNT_INFINITE for infinite looping

◆ gbitmap_sequence_get_total_num_frames()

uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_total_num_frames ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

This function sets the total number of frames for the bitmap sequence

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
number of frames contained in a single loop of the bitmap sequence

◆ gbitmap_sequence_restart()

bool gbitmap_sequence_restart ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence)

Restarts the GBitmapSequence to the first frame gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
True if sequence was restarted, false otherwise

◆ gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count()

void gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence,
uint32_t  play_count 

This function sets the play count (number of times to repeat) the bitmap sequence

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
play_countNumber of times to repeat the bitmap sequence with 0 disabling update_by_elapsed and update_next_frame, and PLAY_COUNT_INFINITE for infinite looping of the animation

◆ gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_by_elapsed()

bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_by_elapsed ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence,
GBitmap *  bitmap,
uint32_t  elapsed_ms 

Updates the contents of the bitmap sequence to the frame at elapsed in the sequence. For looping animations this accounts for the loop, for example an animation of 1 second that is configured to loop 2 times updated to 1500 ms elapsed time will display the sequence frame at 500 ms. Elapsed time is the time from the start of the animation, and will be ignored if it is for a time earlier than the last rendered frame.

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
bitmapPointer to the initialized GBitmap in which to render the bitmap sequence
elapsed_msElapsed time in milliseconds in the sequence relative to start
True if a frame was rendered. False if all frames (and loops) have already been rendered for the sequence. Will also return false if frame could not be rendered (includes out of memory errors).
GBitmap must be large enough to accommodate the bitmap_sequence image gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size
This function is disabled for play_count 0

◆ gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame()

bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame ( GBitmapSequence *  bitmap_sequence,
GBitmap *  bitmap,
uint32_t *  delay_ms 

Updates the contents of the bitmap sequence to the next frame and optionally returns the delay in milliseconds until the next frame.

bitmap_sequencePointer to loaded bitmap sequence
bitmapPointer to the initialized GBitmap in which to render the bitmap sequence
[out]delay_msIf not NULL, returns the delay in milliseconds until the next frame.
True if frame was rendered. False if all frames (and loops) have been rendered for the sequence. Will also return false if frame could not be rendered (includes out of memory errors).
GBitmap must be large enough to accommodate the bitmap_sequence image gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size

◆ gbitmap_set_bounds()

void gbitmap_set_bounds ( GBitmap *  bitmap,
GRect  bounds 

Set the bounds of the given GBitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to set the bounding box.
boundsThe bounding box to set.
See also

◆ gbitmap_set_data()

void gbitmap_set_data ( GBitmap *  bitmap,
uint8_t *  data,
GBitmapFormat  format,
uint16_t  row_size_bytes,
bool  free_on_destroy 

Set the bitmap data for the given GBitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to set data to
dataA pointer to the bitmap data
formatthe format of the bitmap data. If this is a palettized format, make sure that there is an accompanying call to gbitmap_set_palette.
row_size_bytesHow many bytes a single row takes. For example, bitmap data of format GBitmapFormat1Bit must have a row size as a multiple of 4 bytes.
free_on_destroySet whether the data should be freed when the GBitmap is destroyed.
See also

◆ gbitmap_set_palette()

void gbitmap_set_palette ( GBitmap *  bitmap,
GColor palette,
bool  free_on_destroy 

Set the palette for the given GBitmap.

bitmapA pointer to the GBitmap to set the palette to
paletteThe palette to be used. Make sure that the palette is large enough for the bitmap's format.
free_on_destroySet whether the palette data should be freed when the GBitmap is destroyed or when another palette is set.
See also

◆ gcolor_legible_over()

GColor8 gcolor_legible_over ( GColor8  background_color)

This method assists in improving the legibility of text on various background colors. It takes the background color for the region in question and computes a color for maximum legibility.

background_colorBackground color for the region in question
A legible color for the given background color

◆ gpoint_equal()

bool gpoint_equal ( const GPoint *const  point_a,
const GPoint *const  point_b 

Tests whether 2 points are equal.

point_aPointer to the first point
point_bPointer to the second point
true if both points are equal, false if not.

◆ grect_align()

void grect_align ( GRect rect,
const GRect inside_rect,
const GAlign  alignment,
const bool  clip 

Aligns one rectangle within another rectangle, using an alignment parameter. The relative coordinate systems of both rectangles are assumed to be the same. When clip is true, rect is also clipped by the constraint.

[in]rectThe rectangle to align (in place)
[out]rectThe aligned and optionally clipped rectangle
inside_rectThe rectangle in which to align rect
alignmentDetermines the alignment of rect within inside_rect by specifying what edges of should overlap.
clipDetermines whether rect should be trimmed using the edges of inside_rect in case rect extends outside of the area that inside_rect covers after the alignment.

◆ grect_center_point()

GPoint grect_center_point ( const GRect rect)

Convenience function to compute the center-point of a given rectangle. This is equal to (rect->x + rect->width / 2, rect->y + rect->height / 2).

rectThe rectangle for which to calculate the center point.
The point at the center of rect

◆ grect_clip()

void grect_clip ( GRect *const  rect_to_clip,
const GRect *const  rect_clipper 

Trim one rectangle using the edges of a second rectangle.

[in]rect_to_clipThe rectangle that needs to be clipped (in place).
[out]rect_to_clipThe clipped rectangle.
rect_clipperThe rectangle of which the edges will serve as "scissors" in order to trim rect_to_clip.

◆ grect_contains_point()

bool grect_contains_point ( const GRect rect,
const GPoint point 

Tests whether a rectangle contains a point.

rectThe rectangle
pointThe point
true if the rectangle contains the point, or false if it does not.

◆ grect_crop()

GRect grect_crop ( GRect  rect,
const int32_t  crop_size_px 

Reduce the width and height of a rectangle by insetting each of the edges with a fixed inset. The returned rectangle will be centered relative to the input rectangle.

The function will trip an assertion if the crop yields a rectangle with negative width or height.
rectThe rectangle that will be inset
crop_size_pxThe inset by which each of the rectangle will be inset. A positive inset value results in a smaller rectangle, while negative inset value results in a larger rectangle.
The cropped rectangle.

◆ grect_equal()

bool grect_equal ( const GRect *const  rect_a,
const GRect *const  rect_b 

Tests whether 2 rectangles are equal.

rect_aPointer to the first rectangle
rect_bPointer to the second rectangle
true if both rectangles are equal, false if not.

◆ grect_inset()

GRect grect_inset ( GRect  rect,
GEdgeInsets  insets 

Returns a rectangle that is shrinked or expanded by the given edge insets.

The rectangle is standardized and then the inset parameters are applied. If the resulting rectangle would have a negative height or width, a GRectZero is returned.
rectThe rectangle that will be inset
insetsThe insets that will be applied
The resulting rectangle
Use this function in together with the GEdgeInsets macro
GRect r_inset_all_sides = grect_inset(r, GEdgeInsets(10));
GRect r_inset_vertical_horizontal = grect_inset(r, GEdgeInsets(10, 20));
GRect r_expand_top_right_shrink_bottom_left = grect_inset(r, GEdgeInsets(-10, -10, 10, 10));

◆ grect_is_empty()

bool grect_is_empty ( const GRect *const  rect)

Tests whether the size of the rectangle is (0, 0).

rectPointer to the rectangle
true if the rectangle its size is (0, 0), or false if not.
If the width and/or height of a rectangle is negative, this function will return true!

◆ grect_standardize()

void grect_standardize ( GRect rect)

Converts a rectangle's values so that the components of its size (width and/or height) are both positive. In the width and/or height are negative, the origin will offset, so that the final rectangle overlaps with the original. For example, a GRect with size (-10, -5) and origin (20, 20), will be standardized to size (10, 5) and origin (10, 15).

[in]rectThe rectangle to convert.
[out]rectThe standardized rectangle.

◆ gsize_equal()

bool gsize_equal ( const GSize size_a,
const GSize size_b 

Tests whether 2 sizes are equal.

size_aPointer to the first size
size_bPointer to the second size
true if both sizes are equal, false if not.
GRect grect_inset(GRect rect, GEdgeInsets insets)
#define GEdgeInsets(...)
Definition: pebble.h:3845
Definition: pebble.h:3357
Definition: pebble.h:3268