Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
Drawing Primitives

Functions to draw into a graphics context. More...

Collaboration diagram for Drawing Primitives:


enum  GCornerMask {
  GCornerNone = 0, GCornerTopLeft = 1 << 0, GCornerTopRight = 1 << 1, GCornerBottomLeft = 1 << 2,
  GCornerBottomRight = 1 << 3, GCornersAll = GCornerTopLeft | GCornerTopRight | GCornerBottomLeft | GCornerBottomRight, GCornersTop = GCornerTopLeft | GCornerTopRight, GCornersBottom = GCornerBottomLeft | GCornerBottomRight,
  GCornersLeft = GCornerTopLeft | GCornerBottomLeft, GCornersRight = GCornerTopRight | GCornerBottomRight
enum  GOvalScaleMode { GOvalScaleModeFitCircle, GOvalScaleModeFillCircle }


void graphics_draw_pixel (GContext *ctx, GPoint point)
void graphics_draw_line (GContext *ctx, GPoint p0, GPoint p1)
void graphics_draw_rect (GContext *ctx, GRect rect)
void graphics_fill_rect (GContext *ctx, GRect rect, uint16_t corner_radius, GCornerMask corner_mask)
void graphics_draw_circle (GContext *ctx, GPoint p, uint16_t radius)
void graphics_fill_circle (GContext *ctx, GPoint p, uint16_t radius)
void graphics_draw_round_rect (GContext *ctx, GRect rect, uint16_t radius)
void graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect (GContext *ctx, const GBitmap *bitmap, GRect rect)
GBitmap * graphics_capture_frame_buffer (GContext *ctx)
GBitmap * graphics_capture_frame_buffer_format (GContext *ctx, GBitmapFormat format)
bool graphics_release_frame_buffer (GContext *ctx, GBitmap *buffer)
bool graphics_frame_buffer_is_captured (GContext *ctx)
void graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap (GContext *ctx, GBitmap *src, GPoint src_ic, int rotation, GPoint dest_ic)
void graphics_draw_arc (GContext *ctx, GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end)
void graphics_fill_radial (GContext *ctx, GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, uint16_t inset_thickness, int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end)
GPoint gpoint_from_polar (GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle)
GRect grect_centered_from_polar (GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle, GSize size)

Detailed Description

Functions to draw into a graphics context.

Use these drawing functions inside a Layer's .update_proc drawing callback. A GContext is passed into this callback as an argument. This GContext can then be used with all of the drawing functions which are documented below. See Graphics Context for more information about the graphics context.

Refer to (chapter "Layers" and "Graphics") for a conceptual overview of the drawing system, Layers and relevant code examples.

Other drawing functions and related documentation:

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ GCornerMask

Bit mask values to specify the corners of a rectangle. The values can be combines using binary OR (|), For example: the mask to indicate top left and bottom right corners can: be created as follows: (GCornerTopLeft | GCornerBottomRight)


No corners.


Top-Left corner.


Top-Right corner.


Bottom-Left corner.


Bottom-Right corner.


All corners.


Top corners.


Bottom corners.


Left corners.


Right corners.

◆ GOvalScaleMode

Values to specify how a given rectangle should be used to derive an oval shape.

See also

Places the largest possible fully visible circle in the center of a rectangle.


Places the smallest possible circle in the center of a rectangle so that the rectangle is fully inside the circle.

Function Documentation

◆ gpoint_from_polar()

GPoint gpoint_from_polar ( GRect  rect,
GOvalScaleMode  scale_mode,
int32_t  angle 

Calculates a GPoint located at the angle provided on the perimeter of a circle defined by the provided GRect.

rectThe reference rectangle to derive the center point and radius (see scale_mode).
scale_modeDetermines how rect will be used to derive the center point and radius.
angleThe angle at which the point on the circle's perimeter should be calculated. Use DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE to easily convert degrees to the appropriate value.
The point on the circle's perimeter.

◆ graphics_capture_frame_buffer()

GBitmap* graphics_capture_frame_buffer ( GContext *  ctx)

A shortcut to capture the framebuffer in the native format of the watch.

See also

◆ graphics_capture_frame_buffer_format()

GBitmap* graphics_capture_frame_buffer_format ( GContext *  ctx,
GBitmapFormat  format 

Captures the frame buffer for direct access, using the given format. Graphics functions will not affect the frame buffer while it is captured. The frame buffer is released when graphics_release_frame_buffer is called. The frame buffer must be released before the end of a layer's .update_proc for the layer to be drawn properly.

While the frame buffer is captured calling graphics_capture_frame_buffer will fail and return NULL.

When writing to the frame buffer, you should respect the visible boundaries of a window on the screen. Use layer_get_frame(window_get_root_layer(window)).origin to obtain its position relative to the frame buffer. For example, drawing to (5, 5) in the frame buffer while the window is transitioning to the left with its origin at (-20, 0) would effectively draw that point at (25, 5) relative to the window. For this reason you should consider the window's root layer frame when calculating drawing coordinates.
See also
ctxThe graphics context providing the frame buffer
formatThe format in which the framebuffer should be captured. Supported formats are GBitmapFormat1Bit and GBitmapFormat8Bit.
A pointer to the frame buffer. NULL if failed.

◆ graphics_draw_arc()

void graphics_draw_arc ( GContext *  ctx,
GRect  rect,
GOvalScaleMode  scale_mode,
int32_t  angle_start,
int32_t  angle_end 

Draws a line arc clockwise between angle_start and angle_end, where 0° is the top of the circle. If the difference between angle_start and angle_end is greater than 360°, a full circle will be drawn.

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw using the current stroke color and antialiasing setting.
rectThe reference rectangle to derive the center point and radius (see scale_mode).
scale_modeDetermines how rect will be used to derive the center point and radius.
angle_startRadial starting angle. Use DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE to easily convert degrees to the appropriate value.
angle_endRadial finishing angle. If smaller than angle_start, nothing will be drawn.

◆ graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect()

void graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect ( GContext *  ctx,
const GBitmap *  bitmap,
GRect  rect 

Draws a bitmap into the graphics context, inside the specified rectangle

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw the bitmap
bitmapThe bitmap to draw
rectThe rectangle in which to draw the bitmap
If the size of rect is smaller than the size of the bitmap, the bitmap will be clipped on right and bottom edges. If the size of rect is larger than the size of the bitmap, the bitmap will be tiled automatically in both horizontal and vertical directions, effectively drawing a repeating pattern.
See also

◆ graphics_draw_circle()

void graphics_draw_circle ( GContext *  ctx,
GPoint  p,
uint16_t  radius 

Draws the outline of a circle in the current stroke color

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
pThe center point of the circle
radiusThe radius in pixels

◆ graphics_draw_line()

void graphics_draw_line ( GContext *  ctx,
GPoint  p0,
GPoint  p1 

Draws line in the current stroke color, current stroke width and AA flag

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
p0The starting point of the line
p1The ending point of the line

◆ graphics_draw_pixel()

void graphics_draw_pixel ( GContext *  ctx,
GPoint  point 

Draws a pixel at given point in the current stroke color

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
pointThe point at which to draw the pixel

◆ graphics_draw_rect()

void graphics_draw_rect ( GContext *  ctx,
GRect  rect 

Draws a 1-pixel wide rectangle outline in the current stroke color

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
rectThe rectangle for which to draw the outline

◆ graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap()

void graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap ( GContext *  ctx,
GBitmap *  src,
GPoint  src_ic,
int  rotation,
GPoint  dest_ic 

Draws a rotated bitmap with a memory-sensitive 2x anti-aliasing technique (using ray-finding instead of super-sampling), which is thresholded into a b/w bitmap for 1-bit and color blended for 8-bit.

This API has performance limitations that can degrade user experience. Use sparingly.
ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
srcThe source bitmap to draw
src_icInstance center (single point unaffected by rotation) relative to source bitmap
rotationAngle of rotation. Rotation is an integer between 0 (no rotation) and TRIG_MAX_ANGLE (360 degree rotation). Use DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE to easily convert degrees to the appropriate value.
dest_icWhere to draw the instance center of the rotated bitmap in the context.

◆ graphics_draw_round_rect()

void graphics_draw_round_rect ( GContext *  ctx,
GRect  rect,
uint16_t  radius 

Draws the outline of a rounded rectangle in the current stroke color

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
rectThe rectangle defining the dimensions of the rounded rectangle to draw
radiusThe corner radius in pixels

◆ graphics_fill_circle()

void graphics_fill_circle ( GContext *  ctx,
GPoint  p,
uint16_t  radius 

Fills a circle in the current fill color

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
pThe center point of the circle
radiusThe radius in pixels

◆ graphics_fill_radial()

void graphics_fill_radial ( GContext *  ctx,
GRect  rect,
GOvalScaleMode  scale_mode,
uint16_t  inset_thickness,
int32_t  angle_start,
int32_t  angle_end 

Fills a circle clockwise between angle_start and angle_end, where 0° is the top of the circle. If the difference between angle_start and angle_end is greater than 360°, a full circle will be drawn and filled. If angle_start is greater than angle_end nothing will be drawn.

A simple example is drawing a 'Pacman' shape, with a starting angle of -225°, and ending angle of 45°. By setting inset_thickness to a non-zero value (such as 30) this example will produce the letter C.
ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw using the current fill color and antialiasing setting.
rectThe reference rectangle to derive the center point and radius (see scale).
scale_modeDetermines how rect will be used to derive the center point and radius.
inset_thicknessDescribes how thick in pixels the radial will be drawn towards its center measured from the outside.
angle_startRadial starting angle. Use DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE to easily convert degrees to the appropriate value.
angle_endRadial finishing angle. If smaller than angle_start, nothing will be drawn.

◆ graphics_fill_rect()

void graphics_fill_rect ( GContext *  ctx,
GRect  rect,
uint16_t  corner_radius,
GCornerMask  corner_mask 

Fills a rectangle with the current fill color, optionally rounding all or a selection of its corners.

ctxThe destination graphics context in which to draw
rectThe rectangle to fill
corner_radiusThe rounding radius of the corners in pixels (maximum is 8 pixels)
corner_maskBitmask of the corners that need to be rounded.
See also

◆ graphics_frame_buffer_is_captured()

bool graphics_frame_buffer_is_captured ( GContext *  ctx)

Whether or not the frame buffer has been captured by graphics_capture_frame_buffer. Graphics functions will not affect the frame buffer until it has been released by graphics_release_frame_buffer.

ctxThe graphics context providing the frame buffer
True if the frame buffer has been captured

◆ graphics_release_frame_buffer()

bool graphics_release_frame_buffer ( GContext *  ctx,
GBitmap *  buffer 

Releases the frame buffer. Must be called before the end of a layer's .update_proc for the layer to be drawn properly.

If buffer does not point to the address previously returned by graphics_capture_frame_buffer the frame buffer will not be released.

ctxThe graphics context providing the frame buffer
bufferThe pointer to frame buffer
True if the frame buffer was released successfully

◆ grect_centered_from_polar()

GRect grect_centered_from_polar ( GRect  rect,
GOvalScaleMode  scale_mode,
int32_t  angle,
GSize  size 

Calculates a rectangle centered on the perimeter of a circle at a given angle. Use this to construct rectangles that follow the perimeter of a circle as an input for graphics_fill_radial_internal or graphics_draw_arc_internal, e.g. to draw circles every 30 degrees on a watchface.

rectThe reference rectangle to derive the circle's center point and radius (see scale_mode).
scale_modeDetermines how rect will be used to derive the circle's center point and radius.
angleThe angle at which the point on the circle's perimeter should be calculated. Use DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE to easily convert degrees to the appropriate value.
sizeWidth and height of the desired rectangle.
The rectangle centered on the circle's perimeter.