Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble

Standard system time functions. More...

Collaboration diagram for Time:


struct  tm


#define TZ_LEN   6
#define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE   (60)
#define MINUTES_PER_HOUR   (60)
#define HOURS_PER_DAY   (24)
#define TZ_LEN   6
#define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE   (60)
#define MINUTES_PER_HOUR   (60)
#define HOURS_PER_DAY   (24)


int strftime (char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *tm_p)
struct tmlocaltime (const time_t *timep)
struct tmgmtime (const time_t *timep)
time_t mktime (struct tm *tb)
time_t time (time_t *tloc) noexcept
double difftime (time_t end, time_t beginning) noexcept
uint16_t time_ms (time_t *t_utc, uint16_t *out_ms)
time_t time_start_of_today (void)

Detailed Description

Standard system time functions.

This module contains standard time functions and formatters for printing. Note that Pebble now supports both local time and UTC time (including timezones and daylight savings time). Most of these functions are part of the C standard library which is documented at

Function Documentation

◆ difftime()

double difftime ( time_t  end,
time_t  beginning 

Obtain the number of seconds elapsed between beginning and end represented as a double.

endA time_t variable representing some number of seconds since epoch, January 1st 1970
beginningA time_t variable representing some number of seconds since epoch, January 1st 1970. Note that end should be greater than beginning, but this is not enforced.
The number of seconds elapsed between beginning and end.
Pebble uses software floating point emulation. Including this function which returns a double will significantly increase the size of your binary. We recommend directly subtracting both timestamps to calculate a time difference.
int difference = ts1 - ts2;

◆ gmtime()

struct tm * gmtime ( const time_t *  timep)

convert the time value pointed at by clock to a struct tm which contains the time expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

timepA pointer to an object of type time_t that contains a time value
A pointer to a struct tm containing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

◆ localtime()

struct tm * localtime ( const time_t *  timep)

convert the time value pointed at by clock to a struct tm which contains the time adjusted for the local timezone

timepA pointer to an object of type time_t that contains a time value
A pointer to a struct tm containing the broken out time value adjusted for the local timezone

◆ mktime()

time_t mktime ( struct tm tb)

convert the broken-down time structure to a timestamp expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

tbA pointer to an object of type tm that contains broken-down time
The number of seconds since epoch, January 1st 1970

◆ strftime()

int strftime ( char *  s,
size_t  maxsize,
const char *  format,
const struct tm tm_p 

Format the time value at tm according to fmt and place the result in a buffer s of size max

sA preallocation char array of size max
maxsizethe size of the array s
formata formatting string
tm_pA pointer to a struct tm containing a broken out time value
The number of bytes placed in the array s, not including the null byte, 0 if the value does not fit.

◆ time()

time_t time ( time_t *  tloc)

Obtain the number of seconds since epoch. Note that the epoch is not adjusted for Timezones and Daylight Savings.

tlocOptionally points to an address of a time_t variable to store the time in. If you only want to use the return value, you may pass NULL into tloc instead
The number of seconds since epoch, January 1st 1970

◆ time_ms()

uint16_t time_ms ( time_t *  t_utc,
uint16_t *  out_ms 

Obtain the number of seconds and milliseconds part since the epoch. This is a non-standard C function provided for convenience.

tlocOptionally points to an address of a time_t variable to store the time in. You may pass NULL into tloc if you don't need a time_t variable to be set with the seconds since the epoch
out_msOptionally points to an address of a uint16_t variable to store the number of milliseconds since the last second in. If you only want to use the return value, you may pass NULL into out_ms instead
The number of milliseconds since the last second

◆ time_start_of_today()

time_t time_start_of_today ( void  )

Return the UTC time that corresponds to the start of today (midnight).

the UTC time corresponding to the start of today (midnight)