Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
tm Struct Reference

#include <pebble.h>

Public Attributes

int tm_sec
int tm_min
int tm_hour
int tm_mday
int tm_mon
int tm_year
int tm_wday
int tm_yday
int tm_isdst
int tm_gmtoff
char tm_zone [TZ_LEN]

Detailed Description

structure containing broken-down time for expressing calendar time (ie. Year, Month, Day of Month, Hour of Day) and timezone information

Member Data Documentation

◆ tm_gmtoff

int tm::tm_gmtoff

Seconds east of UTC

◆ tm_hour

int tm::tm_hour

Hours. [0-23]

◆ tm_isdst

int tm::tm_isdst

DST. [-1/0/1]

◆ tm_mday

int tm::tm_mday

Day. [1-31]

◆ tm_min

int tm::tm_min

Minutes. [0-59]

◆ tm_mon

int tm::tm_mon

Month. [0-11]

◆ tm_sec

int tm::tm_sec

Seconds. [0-60] (1 leap second)

◆ tm_wday

int tm::tm_wday

Day of week. [0-6]

◆ tm_yday

int tm::tm_yday

Days in year.[0-365]

◆ tm_year

int tm::tm_year

Years since 1900

◆ tm_zone

char tm::tm_zone

Timezone abbreviation

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: