Pebble Foundation Classes
C++ for Pebble
3 #include "pebble_fonts.h"
7 #define PBL_APP_INFO(...) _Pragma("message \"\n\n \
8 *** PBL_APP_INFO has been replaced with appinfo.json\n \
9 Try updating your project with `pebble convert-project`\n \
10 Visit our developer guides to learn more about appinfo.json:\n \
11\n \""); \
12 _Pragma("GCC error \"PBL_APP_INFO has been replaced with appinfo.json\"");
26 #include "pebble_warn_unsupported_functions.h"
30 #define __FILE_NAME__ __FILE__
36 #define ARRAY_LENGTH(array) (sizeof((array))/sizeof((array)[0]))
44 #define IS_SIGNED(var) (__builtin_choose_expr( \
45 __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(var), unsigned char), false, \
46 __builtin_choose_expr( \
47 __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(var), unsigned short), false, \
48 __builtin_choose_expr( \
49 __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(var), unsigned int), false, \
50 __builtin_choose_expr( \
51 __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(var), unsigned long), false, \
52 __builtin_choose_expr( \
53 __builtin_types_compatible_p(__typeof__(var), unsigned long long), false, true))))) \
293 #define TRIG_MAX_RATIO 0xffff
298 #define TRIG_MAX_ANGLE 0x10000
303 #define TRIGANGLE_TO_DEG(trig_angle) (((trig_angle) * 360) / TRIG_MAX_ANGLE)
308 #define DEG_TO_TRIGANGLE(angle) (((angle) * TRIG_MAX_ANGLE) / 360)
389 typedef enum PlatformType {
397 #define PBL_PLATFORM_TYPE_CURRENT PlatformTypeBasalt
400 ((PLAT) == PlatformTypeEmery) ? (EMERY) : \
401 ((PLAT) == PlatformTypeDiorite) ? (DIORITE) : \
402 ((PLAT) == PlatformTypeChalk) ? (CHALK) : \
403 ((PLAT) == PlatformTypeBasalt) ? (BASALT) : \
404 ((PLAT) == PlatformTypeBasalt) ? (APLITE) : \
443 typedef void (*ConnectionHandler)(
bool connected);
449 ConnectionHandler pebble_app_connection_handler;
451 ConnectionHandler pebblekit_connection_handler;
1018 #define HealthActivityMaskAll ((HealthActivityOpenWorkout << 1) - 1)
1049 time_t time_end,
void *context);
1107 HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end);
1246 AmbientLightLevelUnknown = 0,
1247 AmbientLightLevelVeryDark,
1248 AmbientLightLevelDark,
1249 AmbientLightLevelLight,
1250 AmbientLightLevelVeryLight,
1269 uint8_t reserved[6];
1292 time_t *time_start, time_t *time_end);
1296 #define PBL_IF_HEALTH_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_true)
1361 typedef void *DataLoggingSessionRef;
1397 uint16_t item_length,
bool resume);
1430 uint32_t num_items);
1459 #define UUID_SIZE 16
1463 #define UuidMake(p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15) ((Uuid) {p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15})
1467 #define UuidMakeFromBEBytes(b) ((Uuid) { b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], \
1468 b[4], b[5], b[6], b[7], \
1469 b[8], b[9], b[10], b[11], \
1470 b[12], b[13], b[14], b[15] })
1474 #define UuidMakeFromLEBytes(b) ((Uuid) { b[15], b[14], b[13], b[12], \
1475 b[11], b[10], b[9], b[8], \
1476 b[7], b[6], b[5], b[4], \
1477 b[3], b[2], b[1], b[0] })
1481 bool uuid_equal(
const Uuid *uu1,
const Uuid *uu2);
1490 #define UUID_STRING_BUFFER_LENGTH (32 + 4 + 2 + 1)
1508 void app_log(uint8_t log_level,
const char* src_filename,
int src_line_number,
const char* fmt,
1515 #define APP_LOG(level, fmt, args...) \
1516 app_log(level, __FILE_NAME__, __LINE__, fmt, ## args)
1698 typedef struct Dictionary Dictionary;
1866 #define TupletBytes(_key, _data, _length) \
1867 ((const Tuplet) { .type = TUPLE_BYTE_ARRAY, .key = _key, .bytes = { .data = _data, .length = _length }})
1872 #define TupletCString(_key, _cstring) \
1873 ((const Tuplet) { .type = TUPLE_CSTRING, .key = _key, .cstring = { .data = _cstring, .length = _cstring ? strlen(_cstring) + 1 : 0 }})
1878 #define TupletInteger(_key, _integer) \
1879 ((const Tuplet) { .type = IS_SIGNED(_integer) ? TUPLE_INT : TUPLE_UINT, .key = _key, .integer = { .storage = _integer, .width = sizeof(_integer) }})
1961 const bool update_existing_keys_only,
1975 typedef struct DictationSession DictationSession;
2034 void *callback_context);
2069 #define PBL_IF_MICROPHONE_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_true)
2465 const Tuple *old_tuple,
void *context);
2481 Dictionary *current;
2484 uint16_t buffer_size;
2513 const Tuplet *
const keys_and_initial_values,
const uint8_t count,
2537 const uint8_t count);
2722 ResHandle h, uint32_t start_offset, uint8_t *buffer,
size_t num_bytes);
2847 typedef struct AppTimer AppTimer;
2920 #define PERSIST_DATA_MAX_LENGTH 256
3014 int persist_read_data(
const uint32_t key,
void *buffer,
const size_t buffer_size);
3190 #define APP_GLANCE_SLICE_NO_EXPIRATION ((time_t)0)
3194 #define APP_GLANCE_SLICE_DEFAULT_ICON ((PublishedId)0)
3232 struct AppGlanceReloadSession;
3233 typedef struct AppGlanceReloadSession AppGlanceReloadSession;
3280 #include "gcolor_definitions.h"
3294 #define COLOR_FALLBACK(color, bw) (color)
3298 #define PBL_IF_RECT_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_true)
3302 #define PBL_IF_ROUND_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_false)
3306 #define PBL_IF_BW_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_false)
3310 #define PBL_IF_COLOR_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_true)
3324 #define GPoint(x, y) ((GPoint){(x), (y)})
3327 #define GPointZero GPoint(0, 0)
3344 #define GSize(w, h) ((GSize){(w), (h)})
3347 #define GSizeZero GSize(0, 0)
3365 #define GRect(x, y, w, h) ((GRect){{(x), (y)}, {(w), (h)}})
3368 #define GRectZero GRect(0, 0, 0, 0)
3429 GBitmapFormat1Bit = 0,
3431 GBitmapFormat1BitPalette,
3432 GBitmapFormat2BitPalette,
3433 GBitmapFormat4BitPalette,
3434 GBitmapFormat8BitCircular,
3438 typedef struct GBitmap GBitmap;
3440 struct GBitmapSequence;
3441 typedef struct GBitmapSequence GBitmapSequence;
3477 uint16_t row_size_bytes,
bool free_on_destroy);
3581 GColor *palette,
bool free_on_destroy);
3618 GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t *delay_ms);
3635 GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t elapsed_ms);
3800 typedef struct GContext GContext;
3816 #define GEdgeInsets4(t, r, b, l) \
3817 ((GEdgeInsets){.top = t, .right = r, .bottom = b, .left = l})
3820 #define GEdgeInsets3(t, rl, b) \
3821 ((GEdgeInsets){.top = t, .right = rl, .bottom = b, .left = rl})
3824 #define GEdgeInsets2(tb, rl) \
3825 ((GEdgeInsets){.top = tb, .right = rl, .bottom = tb, .left = rl})
3828 #define GEdgeInsets1(trbl) \
3829 ((GEdgeInsets){.top = trbl, .right = trbl, .bottom = trbl, .left = trbl})
3832 #define GEdgeInsetsN(_1, _2, _3, _4, NAME, ...) NAME
3845 #define GEdgeInsets(...) \
3846 GEdgeInsetsN(__VA_ARGS__, GEdgeInsets4, GEdgeInsets3, GEdgeInsets2, GEdgeInsets1)(__VA_ARGS__)
4118 int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end);
4137 uint16_t inset_thickness,
4138 int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end);
4431 uint32_t elapsed_ms);
4609 typedef struct FontInfo FontInfo;
4685 struct GTextAttributes;
4686 typedef struct GTextAttributes GTextAttributes;
4729 GPoint content_origin_on_screen,
4730 GRect paging_on_screen);
4746 GTextAttributes *text_attributes);
4775 const GTextAlignment alignment, GTextAttributes *text_attributes);
4795 #define PBL_IF_SMARTSTRAP_ELSE(if_true, if_false) (if_true)
4840 const uint8_t *data,
size_t length);
4900 size_t buffer_length);
4942 uint8_t **buffer,
size_t *buffer_length);
4954 size_t write_length,
bool request_read);
5052 typedef struct Layer Layer;
5279 typedef struct Window Window;
5533 typedef struct Animation Animation;
5556 AnimationCurve_Reserved1 = 6,
5557 AnimationCurve_Reserved2 = 7,
5597 Animation *animation_clone(Animation *from);
5609 Animation *animation_c, ...);
5628 Animation *animation_c, ...);
5987 struct PropertyAnimation;
5988 typedef struct PropertyAnimation PropertyAnimation;
6033 void *subject,
void *from_value,
void *to_value);
6051 const uint32_t distance_normalized);
6065 const uint32_t distance_normalized);
6080 const uint32_t distance_normalized);
6094 const uint32_t distance_normalized);
6108 const uint32_t distance_normalized);
6231 #define property_animation_clone(property_animation) \
6232 (PropertyAnimation *)animation_clone((Animation *)property_animation)
6238 #define property_animation_get_from_grect(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6239 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GRect), false)
6245 #define property_animation_set_from_grect(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6246 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GRect), true)
6252 #define property_animation_get_from_gpoint(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6253 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GPoint), false)
6259 #define property_animation_set_from_gpoint(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6260 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GPoint), true)
6266 #define property_animation_get_from_int16(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6267 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(int16_t), false)
6273 #define property_animation_set_from_int16(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6274 property_animation_from(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(int16_t), true)
6280 #define property_animation_get_to_grect(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6281 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GRect), false)
6287 #define property_animation_set_to_grect(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6288 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GRect), true)
6294 #define property_animation_get_to_gpoint(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6295 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GPoint), false)
6301 #define property_animation_set_to_gpoint(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6302 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(GPoint), true)
6308 #define property_animation_get_to_int16(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6309 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(int16_t), false)
6315 #define property_animation_set_to_int16(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6316 property_animation_to(property_animation, value_ptr, sizeof(int16_t), true)
6322 #define property_animation_get_subject(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6323 property_animation_subject(property_animation, value_ptr, false)
6328 #define property_animation_set_subject(property_animation, value_ptr) \
6329 property_animation_subject(property_animation, value_ptr, true)
6422 typedef struct TextLayer TextLayer;
6561 typedef struct ScrollLayer ScrollLayer;
6733 struct ContentIndicator;
6734 typedef struct ContentIndicator ContentIndicator;
6845 const char *subtitle, GBitmap *icon);
6868 #define MENU_CELL_BASIC_HEADER_HEIGHT ((const int16_t) 16)
6871 #define MENU_INDEX_NOT_FOUND ((const uint16_t) ~0)
6883 #define MenuIndex(section, row) ((MenuIndex){ (section), (row) })
6900 typedef struct MenuLayer MenuLayer;
6909 void *callback_context);
6921 uint16_t section_index,
6922 void *callback_context);
6934 void *callback_context);
6946 uint16_t section_index,
6947 void *callback_context);
6959 void *callback_context);
6974 const Layer *cell_layer,
6976 void *callback_context);
6993 const Layer *cell_layer,
6994 uint16_t section_index,
6995 void *callback_context);
7010 const Layer *cell_layer,
7012 void *callback_context);
7023 void *callback_context);
7036 void *callback_context);
7050 void *callback_context);
7060 const Layer *bg_layer,
7062 void *callback_context);
7200 struct Window *window);
7326 #define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT ((const int16_t) 68)
7330 #define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_SHORT_CELL_HEIGHT ((const int16_t) 24)
7334 #define MENU_CELL_ROUND_FOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT ((const int16_t) 84)
7338 #define MENU_CELL_ROUND_UNFOCUSED_TALL_CELL_HEIGHT ((const int16_t) 32)
7349 struct SimpleMenuLayer;
7350 typedef struct SimpleMenuLayer SimpleMenuLayer;
7395 const SimpleMenuSection *sections, int32_t num_sections,
void *callback_context);
7502 #define _ACTION_BAR_WIDTH(plat) PBL_PLATFORM_SWITCH(plat, \
7510 #define NUM_ACTION_BAR_ITEMS 3
7513 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimationNone = 0,
7514 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimationMoveLeft,
7515 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimationMoveUp,
7516 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimationMoveRight,
7517 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimationMoveDown,
7518 } ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimation;
7520 struct ActionBarLayer;
7521 typedef struct ActionBarLayer ActionBarLayer;
7636 const GBitmap *icon,
bool animated);
7646 ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimation animation);
7654 struct StatusBarLayer;
7655 typedef struct StatusBarLayer StatusBarLayer;
7752 typedef struct BitmapLayer BitmapLayer;
7848 struct RotBitmapLayer;
7849 typedef struct RotBitmapLayer RotBitmapLayer;
7916 struct NumberWindow;
7917 typedef struct NumberWindow NumberWindow;
7996 struct ActionMenuItem;
7997 typedef struct ActionMenuItem ActionMenuItem;
7999 struct ActionMenuLevel;
8000 typedef struct ActionMenuLevel ActionMenuLevel;
8003 ActionMenuAlignTop = 0,
8004 ActionMenuAlignCenter
8007 typedef struct ActionMenu ActionMenu;
8015 const ActionMenuItem *performed_action,
8032 const ActionMenuItem *action,
8050 ActionMenuAlign align;
8095 ActionMenuLevel *child,
8256 PreferredContentSizeSmall,
8257 PreferredContentSizeMedium,
8258 PreferredContentSizeLarge,
8259 PreferredContentSizeExtraLarge,
8260 NumPreferredContentSizes,
8297 #define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE (60)
8299 #define MINUTES_PER_HOUR (60)
8303 #define HOURS_PER_DAY (24)
8333 int strftime(
char* s,
size_t maxsize,
const char* format,
const struct tm* tm_p);
8346 struct tm *
const time_t *timep);
8359 time_t
time(time_t *tloc) noexcept;
8372 double difftime(time_t end, time_t beginning) noexcept;
8383 uint16_t
time_ms(time_t *t_utc, uint16_t *out_ms);
struct SmartstrapAttribute SmartstrapAttribute
Definition: pebble.h:4824
bool animation_set_implementation(Animation *animation, const AnimationImplementation *implementation)
void grect_clip(GRect *const rect_to_clip, const GRect *const rect_clipper)
void battery_state_service_unsubscribe(void)
bool clock_is_timezone_set(void)
Layer * action_bar_layer_get_layer(ActionBarLayer *action_bar_layer)
GRect layer_get_unobstructed_bounds(const Layer *layer)
An internal error occurred.
Definition: pebble.h:1384
GColor foreground
The color of the arrow.
Definition: pebble.h:6757
Definition: pebble.h:4520
struct GDrawCommandSequence GDrawCommandSequence
Definition: pebble.h:4230
AppFocusHandler did_focus
Definition: pebble.h:519
Set the sniff interval to normal (power-saving) mode.
Definition: pebble.h:2819
Layer * layer_create(GRect frame)
@ HealthEventHeartRateUpdate
Value of HealthMetricHeartRateBPM or HealthMetricHeartRateRawBPM has changed.
Definition: pebble.h:1168
Definition: pebble.h:3316
PropertyAnimation * property_animation_create_layer_frame(struct Layer *layer, GRect *from_frame, GRect *to_frame)
void accel_tap_service_unsubscribe(void)
void connection_service_subscribe(ConnectionHandlers conn_handlers)
void compass_service_subscribe(CompassHeadingHandler handler)
@ HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskNoPermission
The user hasn't granted permission.
Definition: pebble.h:1085
Definition: pebble.h:5775
void(* GPointSetter)(void *subject, GPoint gpoint)
Definition: pebble.h:6143
void graphics_context_set_antialiased(GContext *ctx, bool enable)
Int16Setter int16
Use if the property to animate is of int16_t type.
Definition: pebble.h:6185
Light level enum.
Definition: pebble.h:1245
void graphics_draw_pixel(GContext *ctx, GPoint point)
SmartstrapResult smartstrap_attribute_end_write(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute, size_t write_length, bool request_read)
@ HealthMetricRestingKCalories
The number of kcal (Calories) burned while resting due to resting metabolism.
Definition: pebble.h:871
@ HealthActivitySleep
The 'sleeping' activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1025
NumberWindowCallback selected
Definition: pebble.h:7933
Target of operation does not exist.
Definition: pebble.h:2955
void * window_get_user_data(const Window *window)
25 HZ sampling rate [Default]
Definition: pebble.h:664
DataLoggingSessionRef data_logging_create(uint32_t tag, DataLoggingItemType item_type, uint16_t item_length, bool resume)
@ GCornersBottom
Bottom corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3971
void(* ClickHandler)(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:4977
Definition: pebble.h:227
Definition: pebble.h:1260
bool app_timer_reschedule(AppTimer *timer_handle, uint32_t new_timeout_ms)
GDrawCommandSequence * gdraw_command_sequence_clone(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
Unknown model.
Definition: pebble.h:207
Definition: pebble.h:339
time_t time(time_t *tloc) noexcept
Error values which may be returned from the smartstrap APIs.
Definition: pebble.h:4798
void graphics_text_attributes_destroy(GTextAttributes *text_attributes)
Destroys a previously created instance of GTextAttributes.
GPoint offset
Definition: pebble.h:4539
Operation not completed; try again.
Definition: pebble.h:2964
void(* WindowHandler)(struct Window *window)
Definition: pebble.h:5284
DictationSessionStatus dictation_session_stop(DictationSession *session)
Exit reason not specified.
Definition: pebble.h:3169
void bitmap_layer_set_compositing_mode(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer, GCompOp mode)
Window * window_stack_pop(bool animated)
void(* AnimationStoppedHandler)(Animation *animation, bool finished, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:5770
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_with_data(const uint8_t *data)
uint32_t gdraw_command_list_get_num_commands(GDrawCommandList *command_list)
struct tm * localtime(const time_t *timep)
uint32_t animation_get_duration(Animation *animation, bool include_delay, bool include_play_count)
PreferredContentSize preferred_content_size(void)
void unobstructed_area_service_subscribe(UnobstructedAreaHandlers handlers, void *context)
GDrawCommandFrame * gdraw_command_sequence_get_frame_by_index(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence, uint32_t index)
AnimationStartedHandler started
The handler that will be called when an animation is started.
Definition: pebble.h:5777
App launched by wakeup event.
Definition: pebble.h:3137
WatchInfoModel watch_info_get_model(void)
bool animation_unschedule(Animation *animation)
Pebble 2 HR, Black / Charcoal.
Definition: pebble.h:251
bool(* HealthActivityIteratorCB)(HealthActivity activity, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:1048
void app_comm_set_sniff_interval(const SniffInterval interval)
Health-related activities that can be accessed using.
Definition: pebble.h:1021
void graphics_draw_arc(GContext *ctx, GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end)
The different watch models.
Definition: pebble.h:206
Definition: pebble.h:1081
Definition: pebble.h:859
@ SmartstrapResultTimeOut
A time-out occured during the request.
Definition: pebble.h:4813
@ GOvalScaleModeFitCircle
Places the largest possible fully visible circle in the center of a rectangle.
Definition: pebble.h:4101
Application performed an action when it exited.
Definition: pebble.h:3170
@ GAlignCenter
Align by centering.
Definition: pebble.h:3715
@ CompassStatusCalibrating
Compass is calibrating: the data is valid but the calibration is still being refined.
Definition: pebble.h:745
uint8_t r
Definition: pebble.h:3273
void(* AppWorkerMessageHandler)(uint16_t type, AppWorkerMessage *data)
Definition: pebble.h:2779
void(* DictationSessionStatusCallback)(DictationSession *session, DictationSessionStatus status, char *transcription, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2014
void graphics_draw_circle(GContext *ctx, GPoint p, uint16_t radius)
uint8_t charge_percent
A percentage (0-100) of how full the battery is.
Definition: pebble.h:564
void(* AppMessageInboxReceived)(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2241
void app_message_deregister_callbacks(void)
int tm_min
Definition: pebble.h:8313
uint8_t minor
Minor version number.
Definition: pebble.h:272
void bitmap_layer_set_background_color(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer, GColor color)
Definition: pebble.h:6379
Handlers which are passed to smartstrap_subscribe.
Definition: pebble.h:4852
void property_animation_update_grect(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, const uint32_t distance_normalized)
DictionaryResult dict_write_tuplet(DictionaryIterator *iter, const Tuplet *const tuplet)
(8) The other end was not connected.
Definition: pebble.h:2173
void number_window_destroy(NumberWindow *number_window)
Destroys a NumberWindow previously created by number_window_create.
Pebble 2 SE, Black / Charcoal.
Definition: pebble.h:257
void window_set_click_context(ButtonId button_id, void *context)
(2) The other end did not confirm receiving the sent data with an (n)ack in time.
Definition: pebble.h:2167
GDrawCommandType gdraw_command_get_type(GDrawCommand *command)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_blank(GSize size, GBitmapFormat format)
BitmapLayer * bitmap_layer_create(GRect frame)
Pebble 2 HR, Charcoal / Red.
Definition: pebble.h:253
uint32_t gdraw_command_frame_get_duration(GDrawCommandFrame *frame)
uint32_t dict_calc_buffer_size_from_tuplets(const Tuplet *const tuplets, const uint8_t tuplets_count)
struct PropertyAnimationImplementation PropertyAnimationImplementation
Definition: pebble.h:5985
WindowHandler disappear
Definition: pebble.h:5305
Definition: pebble.h:634
void graphics_text_attributes_enable_paging(GTextAttributes *text_attributes, GPoint content_origin_on_screen, GRect paging_on_screen)
@ HealthMetricWalkedDistanceMeters
The distance walked, in meters.
Definition: pebble.h:865
const char * i18n_get_system_locale(void)
Time Round 14mm lug size, Rose Gold.
Definition: pebble.h:249
AnimationSetupImplementation setup
Definition: pebble.h:5899
bool animation_set_reverse(Animation *animation, bool reverse)
int32_t number_window_get_value(const NumberWindow *numberwindow)
Window * window_stack_get_top_window(void)
int32_t atan2_lookup(int16_t y, int16_t x)
const GBitmap * bitmap_layer_get_bitmap(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer)
void gpath_draw_outline_open(GContext *ctx, GPath *path)
bool gsize_equal(const GSize *size_a, const GSize *size_b)
SmartstrapAttribute * smartstrap_attribute_create(SmartstrapServiceId service_id, SmartstrapAttributeId attribute_id, size_t buffer_length)
time_t mktime(struct tm *tb)
void(* SmartstrapNotifyHandler)(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute)
Definition: pebble.h:4849
bool app_worker_is_running(void)
void number_window_set_max(NumberWindow *numberwindow, int32_t max)
void gdraw_command_set_stroke_width(GDrawCommand *command, uint8_t stroke_width)
@ HealthEventMetricAlert
A metric has crossed the threshold set by health_service_register_metric_alert.
Definition: pebble.h:1166
@ GCompOpAssignInverted
Definition: pebble.h:3770
GColor gdraw_command_get_fill_color(GDrawCommand *command)
void layer_remove_from_parent(Layer *child)
@ HealthEventMovementUpdate
Definition: pebble.h:1161
GRect grect_crop(GRect rect, const int32_t crop_size_px)
@ HealthMetricSleepRestfulSeconds
The number of sleep seconds in the 'restful' or deep sleep state.
Definition: pebble.h:869
void window_single_click_subscribe(ButtonId button_id, ClickHandler handler)
SmartstrapResult smartstrap_attribute_begin_write(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *buffer_length)
GDrawCommandImage * gdraw_command_image_clone(GDrawCommandImage *image)
Pebble 2 SE.
Definition: pebble.h:215
Error level log message.
Definition: pebble.h:1521
DictationSessionStatus dictation_session_start(DictationSession *session)
@ GAlignBottomRight
Align by making the bottom edges overlap and right edges overlap.
Definition: pebble.h:3729
void graphics_text_attributes_restore_default_paging(GTextAttributes *text_attributes)
@ HealthAggregationMax
Definition: pebble.h:969
FontInfo * GFont
Definition: pebble.h:4615
HealthServiceAccessibilityMask health_service_metric_accessible(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end)
#define GSize(w, h)
Convenience macro to make a GSize.
Definition: pebble.h:3344
void(* TickHandler)(struct tm *tick_time, TimeUnits units_changed)
Definition: pebble.h:833
Tuple * dict_read_first(DictionaryIterator *iter)
bool quiet_time_is_active(void)
Pebble 2 HR, White / Turquoise.
Definition: pebble.h:255
bool animation_set_play_count(Animation *animation, uint32_t play_count)
uint8_t b
Definition: pebble.h:3271
uint32_t dict_calc_buffer_size(const uint8_t tuple_count,...)
Tuple * dict_find(const DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key)
@ GDrawCommandTypeCircle
Circle draw command type.
Definition: pebble.h:4235
int tm_wday
Definition: pebble.h:8318
uint32_t health_service_get_minute_history(HealthMinuteData *minute_data, uint32_t max_records, time_t *time_start, time_t *time_end)
void(* AppMessageInboxDropped)(AppMessageResult reason, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2255
void(* LayerUpdateProc)(struct Layer *layer, GContext *ctx)
Definition: pebble.h:5062
void accel_data_service_subscribe(uint32_t samples_per_update, AccelDataHandler handler)
@ HealthMetricSleepSeconds
The number of seconds spent sleeping.
Definition: pebble.h:867
void(* AnimationStartedHandler)(Animation *animation, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:5757
App launched by user selection in launcher menu.
Definition: pebble.h:3135
void(* SmartstrapReadHandler)(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute, SmartstrapResult result, const uint8_t *data, size_t length)
Definition: pebble.h:4839
@ GAlignTop
Align by making the top edges overlap and centered horizontally.
Definition: pebble.h:3721
struct AppGlanceSlice AppGlanceSlice
Health event enum. Passed into the HealthEventHandler.
Definition: pebble.h:1154
The user will be asked for confirmation.
Definition: pebble.h:2752
void action_bar_layer_add_to_window(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, struct Window *window)
HealthServiceAccessibilityMask health_service_any_activity_accessible(HealthActivityMask activity_mask, time_t time_start, time_t time_end)
uint32_t launch_get_args(void)
bool graphics_frame_buffer_is_captured(GContext *ctx)
void action_bar_layer_set_icon_press_animation(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, ButtonId button_id, ActionBarLayerIconPressAnimation animation)
void(* AccelDataHandler)(AccelData *data, uint32_t num_samples)
Definition: pebble.h:646
AppGlanceResult app_glance_add_slice(AppGlanceReloadSession *session, AppGlanceSlice slice)
Definition: pebble.h:225
Pebble Time 2, Black.
Definition: pebble.h:260
DictionaryResult dict_write_cstring(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const char *const cstring)
GSize gdraw_command_image_get_bounds_size(GDrawCommandImage *image)
@ HealthMetricActiveSeconds
The number of seconds spent active (i.e. not resting).
Definition: pebble.h:863
@ AnimationCurveCustomFunction
Custom (user-provided) animation curve.
Definition: pebble.h:5552
TextLayer * text_layer_create(GRect frame)
uint32_t animation_get_delay(Animation *animation)
struct __attribute__((__packed__)) AccelData
A single accelerometer sample for all three axes.
Definition: pebble.h:605
void * ResHandle
Definition: pebble.h:2672
Animation * animation_spawn_create(Animation *animation_a, Animation *animation_b, Animation *animation_c,...)
GTextAttributes * graphics_text_attributes_create(void)
The worker is already running.
Definition: pebble.h:2750
bool(* GDrawCommandListIteratorCb)(GDrawCommand *command, uint32_t index, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:4225
int accel_service_set_sampling_rate(AccelSamplingRate rate)
uint32_t preferred_result_display_duration(void)
WakeupId wakeup_schedule(time_t timestamp, int32_t cookie, bool notify_if_missed)
HealthActivityMask health_service_peek_current_activities(void)
Definition: pebble.h:340
GSize size
The size of the rectangle.
Definition: pebble.h:3361
Time Round 14mm lug size, Black.
Definition: pebble.h:246
@ HealthActivityNone
No special activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1023
HealthValue health_service_sum_averaged(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, HealthServiceTimeScope scope)
void light_enable(bool enable)
bool animation_set_duration(Animation *animation, uint32_t duration_ms)
AppMessageInboxReceived app_message_register_inbox_received(AppMessageInboxReceived received_callback)
Pebble Time Round, 14mm lug size.
Definition: pebble.h:212
(128) The buffer was too small to contain the incoming message.
Definition: pebble.h:2186
Animation * animation_sequence_create_from_array(Animation **animation_array, uint32_t array_len)
Represents a 2-dimensional size.
Definition: pebble.h:3336
const uint8_t * data
Pointer to the data.
Definition: pebble.h:1840
void status_bar_layer_set_separator_mode(StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer, StatusBarLayerSeparatorMode mode)
GBitmap * graphics_capture_frame_buffer(GContext *ctx)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_blank_with_palette(GSize size, GBitmapFormat format, GColor *palette, bool free_on_destroy)
GPoint origin
The coordinate of the upper-lefthand corner point of the rectangle.
Definition: pebble.h:3359
struct Tuplet::@0::@3 cstring
Valid when .type. is TUPLE_CSTRING.
@ HealthAggregationSum
Definition: pebble.h:960
Suggested log level values.
Definition: pebble.h:1519
@ GCornersLeft
Left corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3973
The function was not called correctly.
Definition: pebble.h:2940
Pebble Time Round, 20mm lug size.
Definition: pebble.h:213
UnobstructedAreaDidChangeHandler did_change
Handler that will be called after the unobstructed area has finished changing.
Definition: pebble.h:6385
@ GCompOpClear
Definition: pebble.h:3790
No idea what went wrong.
Definition: pebble.h:2934
void text_layer_set_font(TextLayer *text_layer, GFont font)
@ GCompOpOr
Definition: pebble.h:3777
void dictation_session_destroy(DictationSession *session)
@ GCompOpSet
Definition: pebble.h:3796
Time Round 20mm lug size, Silver.
Definition: pebble.h:247
@ HealthEventSleepUpdate
Definition: pebble.h:1164
void * app_message_get_context(void)
GDrawCommandSequence * gdraw_command_sequence_create_with_resource(uint32_t resource_id)
uint16_t time_ms(time_t *t_utc, uint16_t *out_ms)
void vibes_enqueue_custom_pattern(VibePattern pattern)
Definition: pebble.h:2742
union PropertyAnimationAccessors::@12 getter
GRect layer_convert_rect_to_screen(const Layer *layer, GRect rect)
void(* Int16Setter)(void *subject, int16_t int16)
Definition: pebble.h:6121
@ HealthActivityRun
The 'run' activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1031
@ HealthIterationDirectionFuture
Iterate into the future.
Definition: pebble.h:1060
uint16_t vmc
Vector Magnitude Counts (vmc).
Definition: pebble.h:1263
int tm_sec
Definition: pebble.h:8312
Valid accelerometer sampling rates, in Hz.
Definition: pebble.h:660
void app_event_loop(void)
Definition: pebble.h:3804
@ HealthIterationDirectionPast
Iterate into the past.
Definition: pebble.h:1058
AnimationImplementation base
The "inherited" fields from the Animation "base class".
Definition: pebble.h:6218
bool animation_set_handlers(Animation *animation, AnimationHandlers callbacks, void *context)
MeasurementSystem health_service_get_measurement_system_for_display(HealthMetric metric)
DataLoggingResult data_logging_log(DataLoggingSessionRef logging_session, const void *data, uint32_t num_items)
void graphics_fill_rect(GContext *ctx, GRect rect, uint16_t corner_radius, GCornerMask corner_mask)
Definition: pebble.h:1365
void app_focus_service_subscribe_handlers(AppFocusHandlers handlers)
void layer_insert_above_sibling(Layer *layer_to_insert, Layer *above_sibling_layer)
void status_bar_layer_destroy(StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer)
@ SmartstrapResultNotPresent
The smartstrap port is not present on this watch.
Definition: pebble.h:4804
Definition: pebble.h:4099
(8192) App message was closed.
Definition: pebble.h:2202
Animation * animation_spawn_create_from_array(Animation **animation_array, uint32_t array_len)
UnobstructedAreaChangeHandler change
Handler that will be called every time the unobstructed area changes.
Definition: pebble.h:6383
GPoint GPointReturn
Definition: pebble.h:6112
@ HealthEventSignificantUpdate
Definition: pebble.h:1158
void(* UnobstructedAreaChangeHandler)(AnimationProgress progress, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:6373
No action was taken as none was required.
Definition: pebble.h:2976
struct GDrawCommandImage GDrawCommandImage
Definition: pebble.h:4215
Definition: pebble.h:8255
Definition: pebble.h:3713
bool animation_set_custom_curve(Animation *animation, AnimationCurveFunction curve_function)
uint32_t num_points
The number of points in the points array.
Definition: pebble.h:4522
void graphics_draw_bitmap_in_rect(GContext *ctx, const GBitmap *bitmap, GRect rect)
Definition: pebble.h:3168
char tm_zone[TZ_LEN]
Definition: pebble.h:8323
Layer * text_layer_get_layer(TextLayer *text_layer)
int16_t max_x
Definition: pebble.h:3697
bool animation_destroy(Animation *animation)
void graphics_draw_line(GContext *ctx, GPoint p0, GPoint p1)
Definition: pebble.h:3199
Definition: pebble.h:337
GColor8Getter gcolor8
Use if the property to animate is of GColor8 type.
Definition: pebble.h:6207
bool click_recognizer_is_repeating(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer)
(4) The other end rejected the sent data, with a "nack" reply.
Definition: pebble.h:2170
int tm_mon
Definition: pebble.h:8316
GSize graphics_text_layout_get_content_size_with_attributes(const char *text, GFont const font, const GRect box, const GTextOverflowMode overflow_mode, const GTextAlignment alignment, GTextAttributes *text_attributes)
Pebble 2 HR.
Definition: pebble.h:214
int16_t(* Int16Getter)(void *subject)
Definition: pebble.h:6127
#define GPoint(x, y)
Convenience macro to make a GPoint.
Definition: pebble.h:3324
bool app_worker_message_subscribe(AppWorkerMessageHandler handler)
Structure containing a single heading towards magnetic and true north.
Definition: pebble.h:758
uint8_t g
Definition: pebble.h:3272
NumberWindow * number_window_create(const char *label, NumberWindowCallbacks callbacks, void *callback_context)
Successful operation.
Definition: pebble.h:1378
int tm_mday
Definition: pebble.h:8315
Data structure containing all the callbacks for a NumberWindow.
Definition: pebble.h:7923
Definition: pebble.h:2478
Stainless Steel.
Definition: pebble.h:230
uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_total_num_frames(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
Time Round 14mm lug size, Silver.
Definition: pebble.h:245
int persist_read_data(const uint32_t key, void *buffer, const size_t buffer_size)
AppMessageResult app_sync_set(struct AppSync *s, const Tuplet *const keys_and_values_to_update, const uint8_t count)
int persist_get_size(const uint32_t key)
int32_t sin_lookup(int32_t angle)
Definition: pebble.h:4676
@ HealthServiceTimeScopeDaily
Compute average across all days of the week.
Definition: pebble.h:923
Layer * layer
The layer where the arrow indicator will be rendered when content is available.
Definition: pebble.h:6753
void(* AppGlanceReloadCallback)(AppGlanceReloadSession *session, size_t limit, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:3247
uint16_t SmartstrapServiceId
A type representing a smartstrap ServiceId.
Definition: pebble.h:4817
ButtonId click_recognizer_get_button_id(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer)
SmartstrapAttributeId smartstrap_attribute_get_attribute_id(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute)
uint8_t patch
Patch version number.
Definition: pebble.h:273
Time White.
Definition: pebble.h:237
GSize text_layer_get_content_size(TextLayer *text_layer)
Definition: pebble.h:1652
GPoint gdraw_command_get_point(GDrawCommand *command, uint16_t point_idx)
Definition: pebble.h:3133
void rot_bitmap_set_src_ic(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap, GPoint ic)
uint8_t gdraw_command_get_stroke_width(GDrawCommand *command)
int accel_service_set_samples_per_update(uint32_t num_samples)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_from_png_data(const uint8_t *png_data, size_t png_data_size)
Int16Getter int16
Use if the property to animate is of int16_t type.
Definition: pebble.h:6201
int tm_hour
Definition: pebble.h:8314
Structure for retrieval of the battery charge state.
Definition: pebble.h:562
App launched by mobile or companion app.
Definition: pebble.h:3136
uint8_t * gbitmap_get_data(const GBitmap *bitmap)
void window_set_background_color(Window *window, GColor background_color)
void app_sync_init(struct AppSync *s, uint8_t *buffer, const uint16_t buffer_size, const Tuplet *const keys_and_initial_values, const uint8_t count, AppSyncTupleChangedCallback tuple_changed_callback, AppSyncErrorCallback error_callback, void *context)
void property_animation_update_int16(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, const uint32_t distance_normalized)
void graphics_context_set_stroke_color(GContext *ctx, GColor color)
@ GDrawCommandTypePath
Arbitrary path draw command type.
Definition: pebble.h:4234
int32_t cos_lookup(int32_t angle)
@ MeasurementSystemMetric
The metric measurement system.
Definition: pebble.h:1303
Values representing the type of data that the value field of a Tuple contains.
Definition: pebble.h:1642
@ StatusBarLayerSeparatorModeNone
The default mode. No separator will be shown.
Definition: pebble.h:7660
void gdraw_command_set_point(GDrawCommand *command, uint16_t point_idx, GPoint point)
void gdraw_command_draw(GContext *ctx, GDrawCommand *command)
void rot_bitmap_layer_set_corner_clip_color(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap, GColor color)
Enumerated values describing the possible outcomes of data logging operations.
Definition: pebble.h:1377
HealthValue health_service_peek_current_value(HealthMetric metric)
void action_bar_layer_set_icon(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, ButtonId button_id, const GBitmap *icon)
@ MeasurementSystemImperial
The imperial measurement system.
Definition: pebble.h:1305
size_t resource_size(ResHandle h)
@ HealthAggregationMin
Definition: pebble.h:966
int16_t min_x
The absolute column of a first valid pixel for a given data row.
Definition: pebble.h:3693
GColor8Setter gcolor8
Use if the property to animate is of GColor8 type.
Definition: pebble.h:6191
void(* WakeupHandler)(WakeupId wakeup_id, int32_t cookie)
Definition: pebble.h:3070
@ GCornersRight
Right corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3975
bool is_declination_valid
Currently always false (reserved for future implementation).
Definition: pebble.h:768
void gdraw_command_frame_set_duration(GDrawCommandFrame *frame, uint32_t duration)
Operation completed successfully.
Definition: pebble.h:2928
void bitmap_layer_set_bitmap(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer, const GBitmap *bitmap)
GRectSetter grect
Use if the property to animate is of GRect type.
Definition: pebble.h:6189
No worker found for the current app.
Definition: pebble.h:2744
The subtitle_template_string provided in the slice was longer than 150 bytes.
Definition: pebble.h:3221
int16_t y
The y-coordinate.
Definition: pebble.h:3320
Layer * bitmap_layer_get_layer(const BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer)
void(* UInt32Setter)(void *subject, uint32_t uint32)
Definition: pebble.h:6132
Definition: pebble.h:235
DictionaryResult dict_serialize_tuplets_to_buffer(const Tuplet *const tuplets, const uint8_t tuplets_count, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *size_in_out)
SniffInterval app_comm_get_sniff_interval(void)
void property_animation_destroy(PropertyAnimation *property_animation)
GRect grect_inset(GRect rect, GEdgeInsets insets)
void * app_message_set_context(void *context)
void(* ClickConfigProvider)(void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:4990
AnimationUpdateImplementation update
Definition: pebble.h:5902
void(* UnobstructedAreaDidChangeHandler)(void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:6377
GBitmapSequence * gbitmap_sequence_create_with_resource(uint32_t resource_id)
void text_layer_set_text(TextLayer *text_layer, const char *text)
Definition: pebble.h:343
@ CompassStatusCalibrated
Compass data is valid and the calibration has completed.
Definition: pebble.h:747
Total number of buttons.
Definition: pebble.h:170
HealthValue health_service_sum(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end)
Verbose Debug level log message.
Definition: pebble.h:1529
(32768) The function was called while App Message was not in the appropriate state.
Definition: pebble.h:2208
void layer_set_bounds(Layer *layer, GRect bounds)
void(* DictionarySerializeCallback)(const uint8_t *const data, const uint16_t size, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:1886
Unknown color.
Definition: pebble.h:223
void graphics_context_set_stroke_width(GContext *ctx, uint8_t stroke_width)
PropertyAnimation * property_animation_create_bounds_origin(struct Layer *layer, GPoint *from, GPoint *to)
Definition: pebble.h:1705
void clock_copy_time_string(char *buffer, uint8_t size)
size_t heap_bytes_used(void)
AppMessageResult app_message_outbox_begin(DictionaryIterator **iterator)
The format of a GBitmap can either be 1-bit or 8-bit.
Definition: pebble.h:3428
int16_t bottom
The inset at the bottom of an object.
Definition: pebble.h:3810
Time Steel Gold.
Definition: pebble.h:243
status_t persist_write_int(const uint32_t key, const int32_t value)
Bitfield enum describing the result of trying to add an AppGlanceSlice to an app's glance.
Definition: pebble.h:3215
ResHandle resource_get_handle(uint32_t resource_id)
int tm_isdst
Definition: pebble.h:8320
bool property_animation_subject(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, void **subject, bool set)
No more space to save data.
Definition: pebble.h:1380
There was not enough backing storage to complete the operation.
Definition: pebble.h:1631
Animation * animation_sequence_create(Animation *animation_a, Animation *animation_b, Animation *animation_c,...)
void property_animation_update_gpoint(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, const uint32_t distance_normalized)
void(* AppSyncErrorCallback)(DictionaryResult dict_error, AppMessageResult app_message_error, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2475
GAlign alignment
The alignment of the arrow within the provided layer.
Definition: pebble.h:6755
void text_layer_restore_default_text_flow_and_paging(TextLayer *text_layer)
void layer_insert_below_sibling(Layer *layer_to_insert, Layer *below_sibling_layer)
UInt32Setter uint32
Use if the property to animate is of uint32_t type.
Definition: pebble.h:6193
Definition: pebble.h:1827
Flag to represent the "years" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:827
void rot_bitmap_layer_increment_angle(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap, int32_t angle_change)
Info level log message.
Definition: pebble.h:1525
void compass_service_unsubscribe(void)
Matte Black.
Definition: pebble.h:231
The subtitle_template_string provided in the slice was invalid.
Definition: pebble.h:3219
int16_t top
The inset at the top of an object.
Definition: pebble.h:3806
A worker for a different app is already running.
Definition: pebble.h:2746
@ HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskAvailable
Return values are available and represent the collected health information.
Definition: pebble.h:1083
void(* CompassHeadingHandler)(CompassHeadingData heading)
Definition: pebble.h:773
AppFocusHandler will_focus
Definition: pebble.h:512
AppMessage result codes.
Definition: pebble.h:2162
DictionaryResult dict_write_uint8(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const uint8_t value)
Definition: pebble.h:815
10 HZ sampling rate
Definition: pebble.h:662
void rot_bitmap_layer_destroy(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap)
Pebble 2 SE, White / Gray.
Definition: pebble.h:258
uint32_t gdraw_command_sequence_get_num_frames(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
void battery_state_service_subscribe(BatteryStateHandler handler)
void text_layer_enable_screen_text_flow_and_paging(TextLayer *text_layer, uint8_t inset)
@ GCompOpAssign
Definition: pebble.h:3765
void layer_mark_dirty(Layer *layer)
Dictionary * dictionary
The dictionary being iterated.
Definition: pebble.h:1706
Definition: pebble.h:2817
void window_set_user_data(Window *window, void *data)
uint16_t gdraw_command_get_num_points(GDrawCommand *command)
Get the number of points in a command.
@ HealthServiceTimeScopeWeekly
Definition: pebble.h:918
@ GAlignLeft
Align by making the left edges overlap and centered vertically.
Definition: pebble.h:3723
void window_stack_push(Window *window, bool animated)
bool wakeup_query(WakeupId wakeup_id, time_t *timestamp)
AppMessageResult app_message_outbox_send(void)
void window_raw_click_subscribe(ButtonId button_id, ClickHandler down_handler, ClickHandler up_handler, void *context)
App launched by user opening it from a pin.
Definition: pebble.h:3140
@ HealthMetricActiveKCalories
The number of kcal (Calories) burned while active.
Definition: pebble.h:873
int16_t left
The inset at the left of an object.
Definition: pebble.h:3812
@ GCornerTopLeft
Top-Left corner.
Definition: pebble.h:3959
bool property_animation_to(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, void *to, size_t size, bool set)
void window_set_window_handlers(Window *window, WindowHandlers handlers)
void(* UnobstructedAreaWillChangeHandler)(GRect final_unobstructed_screen_area, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:6367
void layer_set_hidden(Layer *layer, bool hidden)
bool persist_exists(const uint32_t key)
void action_bar_layer_set_background_color(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, GColor background_color)
App launched by the system.
Definition: pebble.h:3134
PropertyAnimation * property_animation_create(const PropertyAnimationImplementation *implementation, void *subject, void *from_value, void *to_value)
Definition: pebble.h:228
void window_set_click_config_provider(Window *window, ClickConfigProvider click_config_provider)
void graphics_draw_text(GContext *ctx, const char *text, GFont const font, const GRect box, const GTextOverflowMode overflow_mode, const GTextAlignment alignment, GTextAttributes *text_attributes)
void gpath_destroy(GPath *gpath)
Free a dynamically allocated gpath created with gpath_create()
uint16_t gdraw_command_get_radius(GDrawCommand *command)
void gdraw_command_set_path_open(GDrawCommand *command, bool path_open)
int compass_service_peek(CompassHeadingData *data)
Insufficient resources available.
Definition: pebble.h:2949
void gbitmap_sequence_destroy(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
Definition: pebble.h:4232
struct Tuplet::@0::@4 integer
Valid when .type. is TUPLE_INT or TUPLE_UINT.
@ GOvalScaleModeFillCircle
Definition: pebble.h:4104
GDrawCommandImage * gdraw_command_image_create_with_resource(uint32_t resource_id)
bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_by_elapsed(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t elapsed_ms)
void gpath_draw_filled(GContext *ctx, GPath *path)
HealthValue health_service_sum_today(HealthMetric metric)
GRect grect_centered_from_polar(GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle, GSize size)
struct GDrawCommandFrame GDrawCommandFrame
Definition: pebble.h:4211
AppTimer * app_timer_register(uint32_t timeout_ms, AppTimerCallback callback, void *callback_data)
Layer * layer_create_with_data(GRect frame, size_t data_size)
void tick_timer_service_subscribe(TimeUnits tick_units, TickHandler handler)
Time Red.
Definition: pebble.h:239
void grect_standardize(GRect *rect)
const AnimationImplementation * animation_get_implementation(Animation *animation)
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureConnectivityError
No BT or internet connection.
Definition: pebble.h:1994
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_palettized_from_1bit(const GBitmap *src_bitmap)
bool window_stack_contains_window(Window *window)
HealthMetricAlert * health_service_register_metric_alert(HealthMetric metric, HealthValue threshold)
AnimationStoppedHandler stopped
The handler that will be called when an animation is stopped.
Definition: pebble.h:5779
void(* AnimationUpdateImplementation)(Animation *animation, const AnimationProgress progress)
Definition: pebble.h:5869
double difftime(time_t end, time_t beginning) noexcept
void graphics_draw_rotated_bitmap(GContext *ctx, GBitmap *src, GPoint src_ic, int rotation, GPoint dest_ic)
NumberWindowCallback incremented
Definition: pebble.h:7926
void connection_service_unsubscribe(void)
AppLaunchReason launch_reason(void)
void status_bar_layer_set_colors(StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer, GColor background, GColor foreground)
@ HealthActivityOpenWorkout
The 'generic' activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1033
BatteryChargeState battery_state_service_peek(void)
uint16_t gbitmap_get_bytes_per_row(const GBitmap *bitmap)
void text_layer_set_background_color(TextLayer *text_layer, GColor color)
void dictation_session_enable_confirmation(DictationSession *session, bool is_enabled)
GRect GRectReturn
Definition: pebble.h:6116
void health_service_activities_iterate(HealthActivityMask activity_mask, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, HealthIterationDirection direction, HealthActivityIteratorCB callback, void *context)
Window * number_window_get_window(NumberWindow *numberwindow)
void rot_bitmap_set_compositing_mode(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap, GCompOp mode)
int persist_write_string(const uint32_t key, const char *cstring)
void app_focus_service_subscribe(AppFocusHandler handler)
uint32_t app_message_outbox_size_maximum(void)
@ HealthMetricStepCount
The number of steps counted.
Definition: pebble.h:861
CompassHeading true_heading
Currently same value as magnetic_heading (reserved for future implementation).
Definition: pebble.h:764
int32_t AnimationProgress
Definition: pebble.h:5537
union PropertyAnimationAccessors::@11 setter
int persist_write_data(const uint32_t key, const void *data, const size_t size)
bool animation_get_reverse(Animation *animation)
status_t persist_write_bool(const uint32_t key, const bool value)
Definition: pebble.h:338
Signed integer. This may be a 1, 2, or 4 byte integer depending on the item_length parameter.
Definition: pebble.h:1373
uint16_t health_service_get_heart_rate_sample_period_expiration_sec(void)
@ CompassStatusUnavailable
The Compass Service is unavailable.
Definition: pebble.h:740
GPoint * points
Pointer to an array of points.
Definition: pebble.h:4524
@ SmartstrapResultAttributeUnsupported
The smartstrap reported that it does not support the requested attribute.
Definition: pebble.h:4811
void(* SmartstrapServiceAvailabilityHandler)(SmartstrapServiceId service_id, bool is_available)
Definition: pebble.h:4829
uint32_t dict_size(DictionaryIterator *iter)
uint16_t SmartstrapAttributeId
A type representing a smartstrap AttributeId.
Definition: pebble.h:4820
void gbitmap_destroy(GBitmap *bitmap)
bool app_worker_message_unsubscribe(void)
WatchInfoVersion watch_info_get_firmware_version(void)
Definition: pebble.h:5541
void app_timer_cancel(AppTimer *timer_handle)
@ HealthActivityRestfulSleep
The 'restful sleeping' activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1027
void gdraw_command_image_destroy(GDrawCommandImage *image)
AppMessageResult app_message_open(const uint32_t size_inbound, const uint32_t size_outbound)
bool window_stack_remove(Window *window, bool animated)
@ HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskNotSupported
Definition: pebble.h:1088
Definition: pebble.h:5291
GColor8 gcolor_legible_over(GColor8 background_color)
GPointSetter gpoint
Use if the property to animate is of GPoint type.
Definition: pebble.h:6187
const Tuple * app_sync_get(const struct AppSync *s, const uint32_t key)
void gdraw_command_list_draw(GContext *ctx, GDrawCommandList *command_list)
status_t persist_delete(const uint32_t key)
Definition: pebble.h:1977
void property_animation_update_uint32(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, const uint32_t distance_normalized)
GColor gdraw_command_get_stroke_color(GDrawCommand *command)
One or more arguments were invalid or uninitialized.
Definition: pebble.h:1633
void graphics_fill_radial(GContext *ctx, GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, uint16_t inset_thickness, int32_t angle_start, int32_t angle_end)
void(* GColor8Setter)(void *subject, GColor8 gcolor)
Definition: pebble.h:6163
The different watch colors.
Definition: pebble.h:222
void window_destroy(Window *window)
Destroys a Window previously created by window_create.
Equivalent of boolean false.
Definition: pebble.h:2970
SmartstrapServiceAvailabilityHandler availability_did_change
The connection handler is called after the connection state changes.
Definition: pebble.h:4854
void app_focus_service_unsubscribe(void)
Pebble Time Steel.
Definition: pebble.h:211
int32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_current_frame_idx(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
void * layer_get_data(const Layer *layer)
Definition: pebble.h:640
@ GTextOverflowModeTrailingEllipsis
Definition: pebble.h:4667
Definition: pebble.h:3955
@ HealthServiceTimeScopeDailyWeekdayOrWeekend
Definition: pebble.h:921
Definition: pebble.h:3683
(2048) The callback could not be deregistered, because it had not been registered before.
Definition: pebble.h:2195
@ GTextAlignmentLeft
Aligns the text to the left of the drawing box.
Definition: pebble.h:4678
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureNoSpeechDetected
No speech was detected and UI exited.
Definition: pebble.h:1991
void app_glance_reload(AppGlanceReloadCallback callback, void *context)
App launched by user using quick launch.
Definition: pebble.h:3139
Flag to represent the "months" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:825
SmartstrapWriteHandler did_write
The did_write handler is called when a write has completed.
Definition: pebble.h:4858
int32_t status_t
Return value for system operations. See StatusCode for possible values.
Definition: pebble.h:2981
void(* HealthEventHandler)(HealthEventType event, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:1175
@ MeasurementSystemUnknown
The measurement system is unknown, or does not apply to the chosen metric.
Definition: pebble.h:1301
WindowHandler appear
Definition: pebble.h:5300
void uuid_to_string(const Uuid *uuid, char *buffer)
AppMessageOutboxFailed app_message_register_outbox_failed(AppMessageOutboxFailed failed_callback)
void number_window_set_step_size(NumberWindow *numberwindow, int32_t step)
Enumerated values defining the three accelerometer axes.
Definition: pebble.h:631
bool window_is_loaded(Window *window)
@ SmartstrapResultInvalidArgs
Invalid function arguments were supplied.
Definition: pebble.h:4802
void graphics_context_set_compositing_mode(GContext *ctx, GCompOp mode)
void smartstrap_set_timeout(uint16_t timeout_ms)
void window_stack_pop_all(const bool animated)
const uint16_t length
Length of the data.
Definition: pebble.h:1842
const uint32_t * durations
Definition: pebble.h:8189
bool layer_get_hidden(const Layer *layer)
DictionaryResult dict_serialize_tuplets(DictionarySerializeCallback callback, void *context, const Tuplet *const tuplets, const uint8_t tuplets_count)
GColor8(* GColor8Getter)(void *subject)
Definition: pebble.h:6169
void data_logging_finish(DataLoggingSessionRef logging_session)
uint32_t dict_write_end(DictionaryIterator *iter)
Definition: pebble.h:342
uint32_t num_segments
Definition: pebble.h:8193
WindowHandler unload
Definition: pebble.h:5309
@ SmartstrapResultServiceUnavailable
Definition: pebble.h:4809
bool animation_set_elapsed(Animation *animation, uint32_t elapsed_ms)
GBitmap * graphics_capture_frame_buffer_format(GContext *ctx, GBitmapFormat format)
size_t heap_bytes_free(void)
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureInternalError
Voice transcription failed due to internal error.
Definition: pebble.h:2000
int16_t x
The x-coordinate.
Definition: pebble.h:3318
int accel_service_peek(AccelData *data)
DictionaryResult dict_write_data(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const uint8_t *const data, const uint16_t size)
void text_layer_set_text_alignment(TextLayer *text_layer, GTextAlignment text_alignment)
uint8_t major
Major version number.
Definition: pebble.h:271
@ GCornersAll
All corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3967
HealthValue health_service_aggregate_averaged(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, HealthAggregation aggregation, HealthServiceTimeScope scope)
WindowHandler load
Definition: pebble.h:5294
bool is_charging
True if the battery is currently being charged. False if not.
Definition: pebble.h:566
App launched by a smartstrap.
Definition: pebble.h:3141
@ HealthServiceAccessibilityMaskNotAvailable
No samples were recorded for the given time span.
Definition: pebble.h:1090
Unsigned integer. This may be a 1, 2, or 4 byte integer depending on the item_length parameter.
Definition: pebble.h:1371
AppWorkerResult app_worker_launch(void)
void(* AppMessageOutboxSent)(DictionaryIterator *iterator, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2267
void(* AppSyncTupleChangedCallback)(const uint32_t key, const Tuple *new_tuple, const Tuple *old_tuple, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2464
uint8_t a
Alpha. 3 = 100% opaque, 2 = 66% opaque, 1 = 33% opaque, 0 = transparent.
Definition: pebble.h:3274
Definition: pebble.h:5896
int32_t CompassHeading
Definition: pebble.h:755
@ GAlignBottomLeft
Align by making the bottom edges overlap and left edges overlap.
Definition: pebble.h:3731
GDrawCommandList * gdraw_command_frame_get_command_list(GDrawCommandFrame *frame)
void(* AccelRawDataHandler)(AccelRawData *data, uint32_t num_samples, uint64_t timestamp)
Definition: pebble.h:652
AppMessageInboxDropped app_message_register_inbox_dropped(AppMessageInboxDropped dropped_callback)
void clock_get_timezone(char *timezone, const size_t buffer_size)
PublishedId icon
Definition: pebble.h:3204
Definition: pebble.h:336
void gdraw_command_set_stroke_color(GDrawCommand *command, GColor stroke_color)
void gdraw_command_list_iterate(GDrawCommandList *command_list, GDrawCommandListIteratorCb handle_command, void *callback_context)
GSize gbitmap_sequence_get_bitmap_size(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
void property_animation_update_gcolor8(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, const uint32_t distance_normalized)
bool connection_service_peek_pebble_app_connection(void)
@ GAlignTopLeft
Align by making the top edges overlap and left edges overlap.
Definition: pebble.h:3717
int16_t right
The inset at the right of an object.
Definition: pebble.h:3808
GRect layer_get_frame(const Layer *layer)
GFont fonts_get_system_font(const char *font_key)
Window * window_create(void)
Time Black.
Definition: pebble.h:238
@ CompassStatusDataInvalid
Definition: pebble.h:743
Insufficient allocatable memory available.
Definition: pebble.h:2943
uint32_t HealthActivityMask
Expresses a set of HealthActivity values as a bitmask.
Definition: pebble.h:1015
const char * subtitle_template_string
Definition: pebble.h:3207
Generic structure of a worker message that can be sent between an app and its worker.
Definition: pebble.h:2756
GPointReturn(* GPointGetter)(void *subject)
Definition: pebble.h:6148
void gdraw_command_sequence_set_play_count(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence, uint32_t play_count)
void(* AccelTapHandler)(AccelAxisType axis, int32_t direction)
Definition: pebble.h:657
@ GAlignTopRight
Align by making the top edges overlap and left edges overlap.
Definition: pebble.h:3719
Pebble 2 HR, White / Gray.
Definition: pebble.h:254
SmartstrapServiceId smartstrap_attribute_get_service_id(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_as_sub_bitmap(const GBitmap *base_bitmap, GRect sub_rect)
bool graphics_release_frame_buffer(GContext *ctx, GBitmap *buffer)
bool animation_get_elapsed(Animation *animation, int32_t *elapsed_ms)
GBitmapFormat gbitmap_get_format(const GBitmap *bitmap)
void graphics_draw_round_rect(GContext *ctx, GRect rect, uint16_t radius)
void text_layer_destroy(TextLayer *text_layer)
Destroys a TextLayer previously created by text_layer_create.
Pebble Steel.
Definition: pebble.h:209
void graphics_context_set_text_color(GContext *ctx, GColor color)
@ GCornerNone
No corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3957
Definition: pebble.h:224
int16_t w
The width.
Definition: pebble.h:3338
bool health_service_set_heart_rate_sample_period(uint16_t interval_sec)
DictionaryResult dict_write_int(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint32_t key, const void *integer, const uint8_t width_bytes, const bool is_signed)
void(* AnimationTeardownImplementation)(Animation *animation)
Definition: pebble.h:5879
bool wakeup_get_launch_event(WakeupId *wakeup_id, int32_t *cookie)
The AppGlanceReloadSession provided was invalid.
Definition: pebble.h:3229
void(* SmartstrapWriteHandler)(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute, SmartstrapResult result)
Definition: pebble.h:4845
HealthServiceAccessibilityMask health_service_metric_averaged_accessible(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, HealthServiceTimeScope scope)
GPoint grect_center_point(const GRect *rect)
AppMessageOutboxSent app_message_register_outbox_sent(AppMessageOutboxSent sent_callback)
void gpath_draw_outline(GContext *ctx, GPath *path)
Definition: pebble.h:2183
Used by health_service_sum_averaged() to specify how the average is computed.
Definition: pebble.h:913
Definition: pebble.h:1649
Someone else is writing to this logging session.
Definition: pebble.h:1379
int tm_gmtoff
Definition: pebble.h:8322
Animation * property_animation_get_animation(PropertyAnimation *property_animation)
void text_layer_set_text_color(TextLayer *text_layer, GColor color)
void text_layer_set_size(TextLayer *text_layer, const GSize max_size)
GPath * gpath_create(const GPathInfo *init)
The expiration_time provided in the slice expires in the past.
Definition: pebble.h:3227
GRectGetter grect
Use if the property to animate is of GRect type.
Definition: pebble.h:6205
There was a generic internal logic error.
Definition: pebble.h:2937
Pebble Time 2, Silver.
Definition: pebble.h:261
HealthServiceAccessibilityMask health_service_metric_aggregate_averaged_accessible(HealthMetric metric, time_t time_start, time_t time_end, HealthAggregation aggregation, HealthServiceTimeScope scope)
Equivalent of boolean true.
Definition: pebble.h:2967
void vibes_short_pulse(void)
Makes the watch emit one short vibration.
@ GDrawCommandTypeInvalid
Invalid draw command type.
Definition: pebble.h:4233
bool is_invalid
Definition: pebble.h:1264
bool layer_get_clips(const Layer *layer)
@ AnimationCurveEaseInOut
Bicubic ease-in-out: accelerate from zero velocity, decelerate to zero velocity.
Definition: pebble.h:5549
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureTranscriptionRejectedWithError
User exited UI after transcription error.
Definition: pebble.h:1985
const char * data
Pointer to the c-string data.
Definition: pebble.h:1847
App launched by worker calling worker_launch_app()
Definition: pebble.h:3138
NumberWindowCallback decremented
Definition: pebble.h:7929
Definition: pebble.h:3761
ClickConfigProvider window_get_click_config_provider(const Window *window)
@ GAlignRight
Align by making the right edges overlap and centered vertically.
Definition: pebble.h:3727
The value is a zero-terminated, UTF-8 C-string.
Definition: pebble.h:1646
void app_sync_deinit(struct AppSync *s)
GPoint * points
Pointer to an array of points.
Definition: pebble.h:4533
Up button.
Definition: pebble.h:164
uint32_t num_points
The number of points in the points array.
Definition: pebble.h:4531
(32) The function was called with invalid arguments.
Definition: pebble.h:2179
@ GTextAlignmentRight
Aligns the text to the right of the drawing box.
Definition: pebble.h:4682
bool health_service_events_unsubscribe(void)
Pebble Time 2.
Definition: pebble.h:216
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureTranscriptionRejected
User rejected transcription and exited UI.
Definition: pebble.h:1982
time_t expiration_time
Definition: pebble.h:3211
void dictation_session_enable_error_dialogs(DictationSession *session, bool is_enabled)
For list-style requests. At end of list.
Definition: pebble.h:2973
Layer * status_bar_layer_get_layer(StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer)
An error occurred (no description).
Definition: pebble.h:2931
Types of measurement system a HealthMetric may be measured in.
Definition: pebble.h:1299
#define GEdgeInsets(...)
Definition: pebble.h:3845
void gbitmap_set_palette(GBitmap *bitmap, GColor *palette, bool free_on_destroy)
Tuple * dict_read_begin_from_buffer(DictionaryIterator *iter, const uint8_t *const buffer, const uint16_t size)
Definition: pebble.h:234
UInt32Getter uint32
Use if the property to animate is of uint32_t type.
Definition: pebble.h:6209
SmartstrapNotifyHandler notified
The notified handler is called whenever a notification is received for an attribute.
Definition: pebble.h:4860
void window_set_click_config_provider_with_context(Window *window, ClickConfigProvider click_config_provider, void *context)
bool animation_set_curve(Animation *animation, AnimationCurve curve)
(1024) The callback was already registered.
Definition: pebble.h:2192
uint32_t storage
Definition: pebble.h:1855
void window_long_click_subscribe(ButtonId button_id, uint16_t delay_ms, ClickHandler down_handler, ClickHandler up_handler)
@ AnimationCurveLinear
Linear curve: the velocity is constant.
Definition: pebble.h:5543
struct PropertyAnimationAccessors PropertyAnimationAccessors
Definition: pebble.h:5982
bool persist_read_bool(const uint32_t key)
@ GAlignBottom
Align by making the bottom edges overlap and centered horizontally.
Definition: pebble.h:3725
uint32_t gbitmap_sequence_get_play_count(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
(16) The local application was not running.
Definition: pebble.h:2176
@ GCornersTop
Top corners.
Definition: pebble.h:3969
void gbitmap_set_data(GBitmap *bitmap, uint8_t *data, GBitmapFormat format, uint16_t row_size_bytes, bool free_on_destroy)
void(* BatteryStateHandler)(BatteryChargeState charge)
Definition: pebble.h:573
@ GTextOverflowModeFill
Definition: pebble.h:4670
bool health_service_events_subscribe(HealthEventHandler handler, void *context)
DictionaryResult dict_serialize_tuplets_to_buffer_with_iter(DictionaryIterator *iter, const Tuplet *const tuplets, const uint8_t tuplets_count, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t *size_in_out)
void(* DictionaryKeyUpdatedCallback)(const uint32_t key, const Tuple *new_tuple, const Tuple *old_tuple, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:1947
void graphics_context_set_fill_color(GContext *ctx, GColor color)
GSize graphics_text_layout_get_content_size(const char *text, GFont const font, const GRect box, const GTextOverflowMode overflow_mode, const GTextAlignment alignment)
SmartstrapReadHandler did_read
The read handler is called whenever a read is complete or the read times-out.
Definition: pebble.h:4856
RotBitmapLayer * rot_bitmap_layer_create(GBitmap *bitmap)
Definition: pebble.h:4529
Status codes. See status_t.
Definition: pebble.h:2926
@ AnimationCurveEaseOut
Bicubic ease-in: decelerate to zero velocity.
Definition: pebble.h:5547
struct GDrawCommandList GDrawCommandList
Draw command lists contain a list of commands that can be iterated over and drawn all at once.
Definition: pebble.h:4218
void wakeup_service_subscribe(WakeupHandler handler)
struct GPathInfo GPathInfo
int32_t rotation
Definition: pebble.h:4536
void gbitmap_set_bounds(GBitmap *bitmap, GRect bounds)
void layer_set_clips(Layer *layer, bool clips)
GBitmap * gbitmap_create_with_resource(uint32_t resource_id)
void unobstructed_area_service_unsubscribe(void)
Unsubscribe from notifications about changes to the app's unobstructed area.
void action_bar_layer_destroy(ActionBarLayer *action_bar_layer)
Destroys a ActionBarLayer previously created by action_bar_layer_create.
void gdraw_command_set_fill_color(GDrawCommand *command, GColor fill_color)
uint32_t animation_get_play_count(Animation *animation)
struct WindowHandlers WindowHandlers
void number_window_set_label(NumberWindow *numberwindow, const char *label)
const void * end
Definition: pebble.h:1707
GSize gdraw_command_sequence_get_bounds_size(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
The lengths and/or count of the dictionary its tuples are inconsistent.
Definition: pebble.h:1635
@ GCornerBottomRight
Bottom-Right corner.
Definition: pebble.h:3965
bool property_animation_from(PropertyAnimation *property_animation, void *from, size_t size, bool set)
@ StatusBarLayerSeparatorModeDotted
A dotted separator at the bottom of the status bar.
Definition: pebble.h:7662
GRect gbitmap_get_bounds(const GBitmap *bitmap)
void gdraw_command_sequence_destroy(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
AnimationTeardownImplementation teardown
Definition: pebble.h:5905
@ HealthServiceTimeScopeOnce
No average computed. The result is the same as calling health_service_sum().
Definition: pebble.h:915
Definition: pebble.h:226
void wakeup_cancel_all(void)
Cancels all wakeup event for the app.
Definition: pebble.h:2823
void layer_add_child(Layer *parent, Layer *child)
@ DictationSessionStatusSuccess
Transcription successful, with a valid result.
Definition: pebble.h:1979
StatusBarLayer * status_bar_layer_create(void)
int16_t h
The height.
Definition: pebble.h:3340
time_t time_start_of_today(void)
void accel_tap_service_subscribe(AccelTapHandler handler)
int32_t persist_read_int(const uint32_t key)
@ GCornerBottomLeft
Bottom-Left corner.
Definition: pebble.h:3963
void layer_destroy(Layer *layer)
Destroys a layer previously created by layer_create.
void rot_bitmap_layer_set_angle(RotBitmapLayer *bitmap, int32_t angle)
const uint16_t width
Width of the integer.
Definition: pebble.h:1857
@ GCornerTopRight
Top-Right corner.
Definition: pebble.h:3961
bool times_out
Whether the display of the arrow indicator should timeout.
Definition: pebble.h:6754
void layer_remove_child_layers(Layer *parent)
The logging session was made inactive.
Definition: pebble.h:1382
100 HZ sampling rate
Definition: pebble.h:668
SmartstrapResult smartstrap_subscribe(SmartstrapHandlers handlers)
bool grect_equal(const GRect *const rect_a, const GRect *const rect_b)
Definition: pebble.h:8311
GDrawCommand * gdraw_command_list_get_command(GDrawCommandList *command_list, uint16_t command_idx)
50 HZ sampling rate
Definition: pebble.h:666
uint8_t * data
Definition: pebble.h:3691
void animation_unschedule_all(void)
The operation returned successfully.
Definition: pebble.h:1629
struct AnimationHandlers AnimationHandlers
Argument out of range (may be dynamic).
Definition: pebble.h:2952
void number_window_set_value(NumberWindow *numberwindow, int32_t value)
uint8_t click_number_of_clicks_counted(ClickRecognizerRef recognizer)
Definition: pebble.h:637
bool health_service_cancel_metric_alert(HealthMetricAlert *alert)
Flag to represent the "seconds" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:817
int tm_year
Definition: pebble.h:8317
void gdraw_command_image_set_bounds_size(GDrawCommandImage *image, GSize size)
struct Layer * window_get_root_layer(const Window *window)
@ HealthMetricHeartRateBPM
The heart rate, in beats per minute. This is a filtered value that is at most 15 minutes old.
Definition: pebble.h:875
Another operation prevented this one.
Definition: pebble.h:2961
Operation not allowed (may depend on state).
Definition: pebble.h:2958
void * ClickRecognizerRef
Definition: pebble.h:4970
Possible error codes from app_worker_launch, app_worker_kill.
Definition: pebble.h:2740
GRectReturn(* GRectGetter)(void *subject)
Definition: pebble.h:6158
@ HealthMetricHeartRateRawBPM
The raw heart rate value of the most recent sample, in beats per minute.
Definition: pebble.h:877
Back button.
Definition: pebble.h:162
bool clock_is_24h_style(void)
Definition: pebble.h:6179
Definition: pebble.h:1056
void exit_reason_set(AppExitReason exit_reason)
Values that are used to indicate the different status bar separator modes.
Definition: pebble.h:7658
void graphics_text_attributes_enable_screen_text_flow(GTextAttributes *text_attributes, uint8_t inset)
UnobstructedAreaWillChangeHandler will_change
Handler that will be called just before the unobstructed area will begin changing.
Definition: pebble.h:6381
void smartstrap_attribute_destroy(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute)
uint32_t gdraw_command_sequence_get_play_count(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
void gdraw_command_set_hidden(GDrawCommand *command, bool hidden)
void accel_raw_data_service_subscribe(uint32_t samples_per_update, AccelRawDataHandler handler)
bool connection_service_peek_pebblekit_connection(void)
AnimationCurve animation_get_curve(Animation *animation)
Animation * animation_create(void)
bool uuid_equal(const Uuid *uu1, const Uuid *uu2)
Time Steel Silver.
Definition: pebble.h:241
void action_bar_layer_set_icon_animated(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, ButtonId button_id, const GBitmap *icon, bool animated)
void action_bar_layer_set_context(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, void *context)
void layer_set_frame(Layer *layer, GRect frame)
uint32_t(* UInt32Getter)(void *subject)
Definition: pebble.h:6138
struct tm * gmtime(const time_t *timep)
Definition: pebble.h:233
struct AnimationImplementation AnimationImplementation
Definition: pebble.h:6216
int32_t WakeupId
WakeupId is an identifier for a wakeup event.
Definition: pebble.h:3065
void fonts_unload_custom_font(GFont font)
int compass_service_set_heading_filter(CompassHeading filter)
The worker is not running.
Definition: pebble.h:2748
GColor status_bar_layer_get_foreground_color(const StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer)
struct Tuplet::@0::@2 bytes
Valid when .type. is TUPLE_BYTE_ARRAY.
(0) All good, operation was successful.
Definition: pebble.h:2164
GPoint gpoint_from_polar(GRect rect, GOvalScaleMode scale_mode, int32_t angle)
int tm_yday
Definition: pebble.h:8319
void gdraw_command_set_radius(GDrawCommand *command, uint16_t radius)
Pebble 2 HR, Charcoal / Sorbet Green.
Definition: pebble.h:252
GDrawCommandFrame * gdraw_command_sequence_get_frame_by_elapsed(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence, uint32_t elapsed_ms)
Number of AppExitReason options.
Definition: pebble.h:3172
Return values for dictionary write/conversion functions.
Definition: pebble.h:1627
int strftime(char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *tm_p)
bool grect_is_empty(const GRect *const rect)
void(* AppMessageOutboxFailed)(DictionaryIterator *iterator, AppMessageResult reason, void *context)
Definition: pebble.h:2287
void grect_align(GRect *rect, const GRect *inside_rect, const GAlign alignment, const bool clip)
void action_bar_layer_clear_icon(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, ButtonId button_id)
GRect layer_get_bounds(const Layer *layer)
AnimationProgress(* AnimationCurveFunction)(AnimationProgress linear_distance)
Definition: pebble.h:5733
The slice was successfully added to the app's glance.
Definition: pebble.h:3217
Weekday values.
Definition: pebble.h:335
void memory_cache_flush(void *start, size_t size)
AppWorkerResult app_worker_kill(void)
void(* AppTimerCallback)(void *data)
Definition: pebble.h:2851
struct AppGlanceSlice::@8 layout
Describes how the slice should be visualized in the app's glance in the launcher.
void(* AppFocusHandler)(bool in_focus)
Definition: pebble.h:492
void text_layer_set_overflow_mode(TextLayer *text_layer, GTextOverflowMode line_mode)
bool animation_schedule(Animation *animation)
AnimationCurveFunction animation_get_custom_curve(Animation *animation)
@ GDrawCommandTypePrecisePath
Arbitrary path drawn with sub-pixel precision (1/8th precision)
Definition: pebble.h:4236
struct GDrawCommand GDrawCommand
Definition: pebble.h:4205
bool gpoint_equal(const GPoint *const point_a, const GPoint *const point_b)
@ HealthAggregationAvg
Definition: pebble.h:963
Pebble Time 2, Gold.
Definition: pebble.h:262
DictionaryResult dict_write_begin(DictionaryIterator *iter, uint8_t *const buffer, const uint16_t size)
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureSystemAborted
Too many errors occurred during transcription and the UI exited.
Definition: pebble.h:1988
The logging session does not exist.
Definition: pebble.h:1381
Definition: pebble.h:8184
bool gdraw_command_get_path_open(GDrawCommand *command)
#define GRect(x, y, w, h)
Convenience macro to make a GRect.
Definition: pebble.h:3365
DictionaryResult dict_merge(DictionaryIterator *dest, uint32_t *dest_max_size_in_out, DictionaryIterator *source, const bool update_existing_keys_only, const DictionaryKeyUpdatedCallback key_callback, void *context)
void * window_get_click_config_context(Window *window)
The provided slice would exceed the app glance's slice capacity.
Definition: pebble.h:3225
void light_enable_interaction(void)
void wakeup_cancel(WakeupId wakeup_id)
bool animation_set_delay(Animation *animation, uint32_t delay_ms)
Insufficient long-term storage available.
Definition: pebble.h:2946
struct Window * layer_get_window(const Layer *layer)
The icon provided in the slice was invalid.
Definition: pebble.h:3223
Definition: pebble.h:341
GDrawCommandList * gdraw_command_image_get_command_list(GDrawCommandImage *image)
void action_bar_layer_set_click_config_provider(ActionBarLayer *action_bar, ClickConfigProvider click_config_provider)
void(* NumberWindowCallback)(struct NumberWindow *number_window, void *context)
Function signature for NumberWindow callbacks.
Definition: pebble.h:7920
uint32_t PublishedId
The ID of a published app resource defined within the publishedMedia section of package....
Definition: pebble.h:3187
Flag to represent the "hours" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:821
(512) The resource had already been released.
Definition: pebble.h:2189
@ GTextOverflowModeWordWrap
Definition: pebble.h:4663
void action_bar_layer_remove_from_window(ActionBarLayer *action_bar)
GFont fonts_load_custom_font(ResHandle handle)
uint32_t key
The key.
Definition: pebble.h:1832
void * animation_get_context(Animation *animation)
void bitmap_layer_set_alignment(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer, GAlign alignment)
GBitmapDataRowInfo gbitmap_get_data_row_info(const GBitmap *bitmap, uint16_t y)
void vibes_double_pulse(void)
const char * text_layer_get_text(TextLayer *text_layer)
CompassHeading magnetic_heading
Definition: pebble.h:762
size_t resource_load(ResHandle h, uint8_t *buffer, size_t max_length)
Definition: pebble.h:956
void app_worker_send_message(uint8_t type, AppWorkerMessage *data)
int32_t HealthValue
Type used to represent HealthMetric values.
Definition: pebble.h:881
void gpath_move_to(GPath *path, GPoint point)
uint8_t steps
Number of steps taken in this minute.
Definition: pebble.h:1261
Time Round 20mm lug size, Black.
Definition: pebble.h:248
void gdraw_command_image_draw(GContext *ctx, GDrawCommandImage *image, GPoint offset)
bool grect_contains_point(const GRect *rect, const GPoint *point)
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureDisabled
Voice transcription disabled for this user.
Definition: pebble.h:1997
void smartstrap_unsubscribe(void)
void(* AnimationSetupImplementation)(Animation *animation)
Definition: pebble.h:5847
GColor background
The color of the layer behind the arrow.
Definition: pebble.h:6758
Time Steel Black.
Definition: pebble.h:242
@ AnimationCurveCustomInterpolationFunction
User-provided interpolation function.
Definition: pebble.h:5554
@ SmartstrapResultOk
No error occured.
Definition: pebble.h:4800
bool animation_is_scheduled(Animation *animation)
Enum describing the current state of the Compass Service.
Definition: pebble.h:738
void gdraw_command_sequence_set_bounds_size(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence, GSize size)
@ DictationSessionStatusFailureRecognizerError
Cloud recognizer failed to transcribe speech (only possible if error dialogs disabled)
Definition: pebble.h:2003
bool gdraw_command_get_hidden(GDrawCommand *command)
Select (middle) button.
Definition: pebble.h:166
Flag to represent the "minutes" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:819
CompassStatus compass_status
Indicates the current state of the Compass Service calibration.
Definition: pebble.h:766
GPointGetter gpoint
Use if the property to animate is of GPoint type.
Definition: pebble.h:6203
size_t resource_load_byte_range(ResHandle h, uint32_t start_offset, uint8_t *buffer, size_t num_bytes)
void(* GRectSetter)(void *subject, GRect grect)
Definition: pebble.h:6153
uint32_t gdraw_command_sequence_get_total_duration(GDrawCommandSequence *sequence)
Definition: pebble.h:6752
Definition: pebble.h:3357
uint8_t orientation
Quantized average orientation.
Definition: pebble.h:1262
void gbitmap_sequence_set_play_count(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, uint32_t play_count)
Definition: pebble.h:1369
bool gbitmap_sequence_restart(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence)
uint8_t heart_rate_bpm
heart rate in beats per minute
Definition: pebble.h:1268
TupleType type
Definition: pebble.h:1830
void window_multi_click_subscribe(ButtonId button_id, uint8_t min_clicks, uint8_t max_clicks, uint16_t timeout, bool last_click_only, ClickHandler handler)
bool gbitmap_sequence_update_bitmap_next_frame(GBitmapSequence *bitmap_sequence, GBitmap *bitmap, uint32_t *delay_ms)
Definition: pebble.h:3268
SmartstrapResult smartstrap_attribute_read(SmartstrapAttribute *attribute)
@ SmartstrapResultBusy
A request is already pending on the specified attribute.
Definition: pebble.h:4806
void graphics_fill_circle(GContext *ctx, GPoint p, uint16_t radius)
@ GCompOpAnd
Definition: pebble.h:3784
void tick_timer_service_unsubscribe(void)
Down button.
Definition: pebble.h:168
Debug level log message.
Definition: pebble.h:1527
void accel_data_service_unsubscribe(void)
ActionBarLayer * action_bar_layer_create(void)
bool smartstrap_service_is_available(SmartstrapServiceId service_id)
PropertyAnimationAccessors accessors
The accessors to set/get the property to be animated.
Definition: pebble.h:6220
struct HealthMetricAlert HealthMetricAlert
Definition: pebble.h:885
GColor * gbitmap_get_palette(const GBitmap *bitmap)
GPoint layer_convert_point_to_screen(const Layer *layer, GPoint point)
@ GTextAlignmentCenter
Aligns the text centered inside the drawing box.
Definition: pebble.h:4680
void gdraw_command_frame_draw(GContext *ctx, GDrawCommandSequence *sequence, GDrawCommandFrame *frame, GPoint offset)
bool gcolor_equal(GColor8 x, GColor8 y)
True if both colors are identical or both are invisible (i.e. both have alpha values of ....
DictationSession * dictation_session_create(uint32_t buffer_size, DictationSessionStatusCallback callback, void *callback_context)
Pebble Time.
Definition: pebble.h:210
Tuple * dict_read_next(DictionaryIterator *iter)
void bitmap_layer_destroy(BitmapLayer *bitmap_layer)
Destroys a window previously created by bitmap_layer_create.
void graphics_text_attributes_restore_default_text_flow(GTextAttributes *text_attributes)
GColor status_bar_layer_get_background_color(const StatusBarLayer *status_bar_layer)
(16384) An internal OS error prevented AppMessage from completing an operation.
Definition: pebble.h:2205
void gpath_rotate_to(GPath *path, int32_t angle)
time_t clock_to_timestamp(WeekDay day, int hour, int minute)
Definition: pebble.h:1638
void window_single_repeating_click_subscribe(ButtonId button_id, uint16_t repeat_interval_ms, ClickHandler handler)
@ AnimationCurveEaseIn
Bicubic ease-in: accelerate from zero velocity.
Definition: pebble.h:5545
The value is an array of bytes.
Definition: pebble.h:1644
void number_window_set_min(NumberWindow *numberwindow, int32_t min)
bool is_plugged
True if the charger cable is connected. False if not.
Definition: pebble.h:568
Warning level log message.
Definition: pebble.h:1523
Flag to represent the "days" time unit.
Definition: pebble.h:823
Definition: pebble.h:4660
Original Pebble.
Definition: pebble.h:208
Definition: pebble.h:160
Definition: pebble.h:2199
void layer_set_update_proc(Layer *layer, LayerUpdateProc update_proc)
void graphics_draw_rect(GContext *ctx, GRect rect)
uint32_t app_message_inbox_size_maximum(void)
int persist_read_string(const uint32_t key, char *buffer, const size_t buffer_size)
void vibes_long_pulse(void)
Makes the watch emit one long vibration.
@ HealthActivityWalk
The 'walk' activity.
Definition: pebble.h:1029
An invalid parameter was passed to one of the functions.
Definition: pebble.h:1383