Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
Pebble::TextLayer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Pebble::TextLayer:
Collaboration diagram for Pebble::TextLayer:

Public Member Functions

 TextLayer (GRect frame)
virtual ~TextLayer ()
 Destroys the underlying TextLayer.
 operator::TextLayer * ()
 Instances of this class can be automatically converted to Pebble TextLayers.
GSize GetContentSize () const
const char * GetText () const
void SetBackgroundColor (GColor color)
void SetTextColor (GColor color)
void SetText (const char *text)
void SetFont (GFont font)
void SetFont (const char *font_key)
void SetOverflowMode (GTextOverflowMode line_mode)
void SetSize (const GSize max_size)
void SetTextAlignment (GTextAlignment text_alignment)
void SizeToContent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Pebble::Layer
 Layer (::Layer *layer)
 Wraps an existing TextLayer.
 operator::Layer * ()
 Instances of this class can be automatically converted to Pebble Layers.
 operator const ::Layer * () const
void MarkDirty ()
void SetFrame (GRect frame)
void SetFrame (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)
void SetFrame (GPoint origin, GSize size)
GRect GetFrame ()
void SetBounds (GRect bounds)
GRect GetBounds ()
void RemoveFromParent ()
void RemoveChildLayers ()
void AddChild (Layer &child)
void InsertBelowSibling (Layer &below_sibling_layer)
void InsertAboveSibling (Layer &above_sibling_layer)
void SetHidden (bool hidden)
bool GetHidden ()
void SetClips (bool clips)
bool GetClips ()

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from Pebble::Layer

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