Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
Pebble::MenuLayer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Pebble::MenuLayer:
Collaboration diagram for Pebble::MenuLayer:

Public Member Functions

 MenuLayer (GRect frame)
virtual ~MenuLayer ()
 Destroys the underlying TextLayer.
 operator::MenuLayer * ()
 Instances of this class can be automatically converted to Pebble TextLayers.
void SetClickConfigOntoWindow (Window &owner_window)
void SetSelectedNext (MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
void SetSelectedPrevious (MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
void SetSelectedIndex (MenuIndex index, MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
void SetSelectedIndex (uint16_t section, uint16_t row, MenuRowAlign scroll_align, bool animated)
MenuIndex GetSelectedIndex () const
void ReloadData ()
void SetNormalColors (GColor background, GColor foreground)
void SetHighlightColors (GColor background, GColor foreground)
void PadBottom (bool enable)
bool GetCenterFocused () const
void SetCenterFocused (bool center_focused)
bool IsIndexSelected (const MenuIndex &index) const
bool IsIndexSelected (uint16_t section, uint16_t row) const
template<class T >
void SetCallbacks (T &owner, MenuLayerCallbacks callbacks)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Pebble::Layer
 Layer (::Layer *layer)
 Wraps an existing TextLayer.
 operator::Layer * ()
 Instances of this class can be automatically converted to Pebble Layers.
 operator const ::Layer * () const
void MarkDirty ()
void SetFrame (GRect frame)
void SetFrame (int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)
void SetFrame (GPoint origin, GSize size)
GRect GetFrame ()
void SetBounds (GRect bounds)
GRect GetBounds ()
void RemoveFromParent ()
void RemoveChildLayers ()
void AddChild (Layer &child)
void InsertBelowSibling (Layer &below_sibling_layer)
void InsertAboveSibling (Layer &above_sibling_layer)
void SetHidden (bool hidden)
bool GetHidden ()
void SetClips (bool clips)
bool GetClips ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsHighlighted (const Layer &cell_layer)
static int16_t IndexCompare (const MenuIndex &a, const MenuIndex &b)

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from Pebble::Layer

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: