Pebble Foundation Classes
C++ for Pebble
▼NPebble | |
CActionBarLayer | Vertical, bar-shaped control widget on the right edge of the window |
CAppWindow | Base class for application windows |
CClickConfig | |
CClickRecognizer | |
CCustomLayer | Layer that is automatically managed and contains an OnUpdate callback for drawing |
CDateTime | |
CGBitmap | An unowned bitmap |
CGBitmapBase | |
CGContext | |
CGOwnedBitmap | A bitmap that destroys the underlying reference when destructed |
CGPoint | |
CGRect | |
CGSize | |
CGTextAttributes | |
CLayer | |
CMenuEvents | |
CMenuLayer | |
CNumberWindow | |
CScrollLayer | |
CSimpleLayer | Layer that is automatically managed |
CSimpleMenuLayer | |
CStatusBarLayer | |
CTextLayer | |
CTickTimer | |
CTimeSpan | |
CWindow | Wraps and existing Pebble window but does not take ownership of it. |
CActionMenuConfig | Configuration struct for the ActionMenu |
CAnimationHandlers | |
CAnimationImplementation | |
CAppFocusHandlers | |
CAppGlanceSlice | |
CAppSync | |
CAppWorkerMessage | Generic structure of a worker message that can be sent between an app and its worker |
CBatteryChargeState | Structure for retrieval of the battery charge state |
CCompassHeadingData | Structure containing a single heading towards magnetic and true north |
CConnectionHandlers | |
CContentIndicatorConfig | |
CDictionaryIterator | |
CGBitmapDataRowInfo | |
CGColor8 | |
CGEdgeInsets | |
CGPath | |
CGPathInfo | |
CGPoint | |
CGRect | |
CGSize | Represents a 2-dimensional size |
CHealthMinuteData | |
CMenuCellSpan | |
CMenuIndex | |
CMenuLayerCallbacks | Data structure containing all the callbacks of a MenuLayer |
CNumberWindowCallbacks | Data structure containing all the callbacks for a NumberWindow |
CPropertyAnimationAccessors | |
CPropertyAnimationImplementation | |
CScrollLayerCallbacks | |
CSimpleMenuItem | Data structure containing the information of a menu item |
CSimpleMenuSection | Data structure containing the information of a menu section |
CSmartstrapHandlers | Handlers which are passed to smartstrap_subscribe |
Ctm | |
CTuplet | |
CUnobstructedAreaHandlers | |
CVibePattern | |
CWatchInfoVersion | |
CWindowHandlers |