Pebble Foundation Classes  0.2.0
C++ for Pebble
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CActionBarLayerVertical, bar-shaped control widget on the right edge of the window
 CAppWindowBase class for application windows
 CCustomLayerLayer that is automatically managed and contains an OnUpdate callback for drawing
 CGBitmapAn unowned bitmap
 CGOwnedBitmapA bitmap that destroys the underlying reference when destructed
 CSimpleLayerLayer that is automatically managed
 CWindowWraps and existing Pebble window but does not take ownership of it.
 CActionMenuConfigConfiguration struct for the ActionMenu
 CAppWorkerMessageGeneric structure of a worker message that can be sent between an app and its worker
 CBatteryChargeStateStructure for retrieval of the battery charge state
 CCompassHeadingDataStructure containing a single heading towards magnetic and true north
 CGSizeRepresents a 2-dimensional size
 CMenuLayerCallbacksData structure containing all the callbacks of a MenuLayer
 CNumberWindowCallbacksData structure containing all the callbacks for a NumberWindow
 CSimpleMenuItemData structure containing the information of a menu item
 CSimpleMenuSectionData structure containing the information of a menu section
 CSmartstrapHandlersHandlers which are passed to smartstrap_subscribe