Pebble Foundation Classes
C++ for Pebble
▼Graphics | |
▼Graphics Types | Basic graphics types (point, rect, size, color, bitmaps, etc.) and utility functions |
Color Definitions | |
Graphics Context | The "canvas" into which an application draws |
Drawing Primitives | Functions to draw into a graphics context |
Draw Commands | Pebble Draw Commands are a way to encode arbitrary path draw and fill calls in binary format, so that vector-like graphics can be represented on the watch |
Drawing Paths | Functions to draw polygons into a graphics context |
Fonts | |
Drawing Text | Functions to draw text into a graphics context |
▼UI | |
Clicks | Handling button click interactions |
▼Layers | User interface layers for displaying graphic components |
TextLayer | Layer that displays and formats a text string |
ScrollLayer | Layer that scrolls its contents, animated |
MenuLayer | Layer that displays a standard list menu. Data is provided using callbacks |
SimpleMenuLayer | Wrapper around MenuLayer, that uses static data to display a list menu |
ActionBarLayer | Vertical, bar-shaped control widget on the right edge of the window |
StatusBarLayer | Layer that serves as a configurable status bar |
BitmapLayer | Layer that displays a bitmap image |
RotBitmapLayer | Layer that displays a rotated bitmap image |
▼Window | The basic building block of the user interface |
NumberWindow | A ready-made Window prompting the user to pick a number |
ActionMenu | |
Window Stack | The multiple window manager |
▼Animation | Abstract framework to create arbitrary animations |
PropertyAnimation | A ProperyAnimation animates the value of a "property" of a "subject" over time |
UnobstructedArea | |
Vibes | Controlling the vibration motor |
Light | Controlling Pebble's backlight |
Preferences | Values recommended by the system |
▼Foundation | |
Rocky | |
Internationalization | Internationalization & Localization APIs |
WatchInfo | Provides information about the watch itself |
Math | |
Wall Time | Functions, data structures and other things related to wall clock time |
Platform | |
▼EventService | |
ConnectionService | Determine what the Pebble watch is connected to |
AppFocusService | Handling app focus The AppFocusService allows developers to be notified when their apps become visible on the screen. Common reasons your app may be running but not be on screen are: it's still in the middle of launching and being revealed by a system animation, or it is being covered by a system window such as a notification. This service is useful for apps that require a high degree of user interactivity, like a game where you'll want to pause when a notification covers your app window. It can be also used for apps that want to sync up an intro animation to the end of the system animation that occurs before your app is visible |
BatteryStateService | Determines when the battery state changes |
AccelerometerService | Using the Pebble accelerometer |
CompassService | |
TickTimerService | Handling time components |
HealthService | Get access to health information like step count, sleep totals, etc |
DataLogging | Enables logging data asynchronously to a mobile app |
▼DataStructures | |
UUID | |
Logging | Functions related to logging from apps |
Dictionary | Data serialization utilities |
Dictation | |
AppMessage | Bi-directional communication between phone apps and Pebble watchapps |
AppSync | UI synchronization layer for AppMessage |
▼Resources | Managing application resources |
▼File Formats | |
PNG8 File Format | |
PBI File Format | |
App | |
AppWorker | Runs in the background, and can communicate with the foreground app |
App Communication | API for interacting with the Pebble communication subsystem |
Timer | Can be used to execute some code at some point in the future |
Memory Management | Utility functions for managing an application's memory |
Storage | A mechanism to store persistent application data and state |
Wakeup | Allows applications to schedule to be launched even if they are not running |
Launch Reason | API for checking what caused the application to launch |
Exit Reason | API for the application to notify the system of the reason it will exit |
App Glance | API for the application to modify its glance |
Worker | |
Smartstrap | |
Profiling | |
▼Standard C | |
Time | Standard system time functions |
▼Misc | |
Compatibility Macros |